Chapter 65

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  The news I read was very clear as my eyes scanned through the reports in my laptop.
Four of our warehouses across the globe had been destroyed, completely burnt into ashes, millions of dollars lost and a handfull of my underbosses dead.

  Anger ripped through me and I almost felt like smashing my laptop to the ground.
The burnt warehouses didn't get me this inflamed with anger, neither was it about the millions I had lost in a week but the pain the families of my deceased men would have to endure all because of the woman I love.

  According to the reports I got from my capos, multiple bombs were deposited in each warehouse under everybody's nose and the explosion was a gory sight.

  I could only imagine the pain and anguish these families would have to endure knowing that their sons and daughters were burnt to ashes for practically doing nothing.

  It was very clear that these attacks were from the Russians. They had my flash drive which now gave them access to the secrets of my mafia.

"Fuck!" I yelled, hitting my balled fist on the table in my office.
My veins popped out and in my eyes, burned a blazing fury of indignation.

  Goddamit! All these were happening because Nicole stupidly gave out my most prized possession to those fucking Russians.  She didn't even give it to anybody but to Ivan's son. She handed it like a trophy to Maxim.

Shit! Only God knew the attack that was to come next. The first folder in that drive carried all the information about my warehouses all around the globe.

The next carried information about our various trading partners, shipments, ammunitions and drugs all around the world.

  The list was endless.  My heart slammed and my fury skyrocketed.
Right now I just need to focus on protecting my mafia.

"Release her already Raphael. She's innocent. You've tortured her enough. This is up to a week already!" Thomas enraged voice cut through as he barged into my office unannounced.

Ever since I sent Nicole to the cellar, Thomas wouldn't stop fussing about her. He was always all over me, nagging me to let her go.

  Couldn't he read the handwriting on the wall? What other proof did he need to make him believe that Nicole lied to all of us?

  She handed my drive to Maxim and when I called her multiple times just to get her to say the truth, she lied straight to my face and she is still lying.

"Thomas if you weren't one of my capos, I would have shot you right here and right now. Nicole, that black woman, gave out my drive to the Russians and you want me to let her go just like that? Do you know how many people have died because of her in just a week!?" I yelled.

Thomas stared at me dumbfounded.  "Oh so now she's the black woman? When did you start calling her that? When did you start acting racist? Look at you Raphael! Look at what you are doing to your own wife!" Thomas raised his voice.

  "Ofcouse I am fully aware of what I am doing to her" I replied sharply, glaring at Thomas with my fist getting balled up.
"If you have proof of her innocence then show me. If you don't then get out of my office this minute!" I ordered with a baleful stare.

  Thomas had his jaw clenched for a moment before taking a deep sigh.
"I hope by the time you realise your mistake, it isn't too late. I'll enjoy seeing you loathe yourself for everything you did to that innocent woman" Thomas spat at me before he turned and banged the door behind him.

  I had gotten enough of these. Even Thomas had turned against me because of Nicole.

This had to end today. Bolting from my seat, I decided to pay Nicole one last visit and this time I was going with my gun.

  It was now or never.

* * * * * * *


  I laid on the cold, sandy ground of the cellar feeling life seep out of me.
I should be sad but I wasn't.

  I never imagined that a day would ever come where I would welcome death with an open arm.

But fate had a way of doing things.

Now I longed for this day. I longed to go be with my baby.
My baby was so lucky to have gone out of this world. The world was such a cold place.

  It wasn't fit to habit in--not for my baby.
I wish I had done more to save my little boy but I couldn't.

  Instead I screamed and cried the night I saw his blood seep out of me.
Nobody bothered to check on why I was screaming or crying.

  They instead felt relieved to hear me cry out in agony as my baby was leaving my body and this world.

A weak smile broke on my torn lips and I used my bony hand to caress my sunken stomach.

Tears streamed out of my eyes while I tried to hold on to the little life I had, praying with an aching heart to God to accept my soul.

  God took my baby to raise him and I prayed He would take me too. I wanted to live under His eternal and divine light.

  I smiled knowing I was very close to meeting my little boy in a far away peaceful abode, away from the murderous grips of Raphael and his capos.

  My mind drifted to my sister, Amarachi and to my parents. I would miss them all so much.

But we would all meet some day in heaven, forever together in eternal bliss.

  A rough fist of cough broke out from my parted lips and I smiled weakly afterwards.

Summoning up my last strength, I proceeded to say a very short prayer which I knew would go a long way in relieving my soul of this heavy burden it carried.

"Into your hands I commit my spirit my Lord" I prayed underneath my breath.

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