Chapter 56

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"I swear I'll shoot all of you right now and send gunmen to each one of your fucking families and have them pass through hell!" Raphael thundered fire and brimstones to his underbossess that formed a straight line opposite him.

   His nostrils flared and his eyes were so bloodshot, enough to scare the wits out of someone. Anger was an understatement of what he was going through.
A bomb had been planted in one of his warehouses and they were very fortunate to had escape with their lives but in the process they had lost more than a million.

  His restless feet walked around the hall, his anger rising with each breath. A grenade was exploding in his head and he just wanted to kill somebody right now.

  The horror stricken underbossess stood frigid and also rigid. Nobody dared uttered a word in their defence. The incidence had left everyone stuperfied and lost for words.

How was a bomb planted in the warehouses? It was heavily guarded so who was able to outsmart the armed guards and plant a bomb in such a dangerous area?
   Raphael suddenly began laughing hysterically. His deep laughter echoed and bounced back through the walls of the hall.

"So you all mean to tell me that you don't have a single clue of how an asshole was able to penetrate into the warehouse under your fucking nose and plant a bomb in my warehouse; destroying goods worth millions of dollars?" Raphael asked, his tone frightfully low.

Knots tied, tremor rose as well as anxiety. Panic became the ambiance and hearts sank.

"Ok fine" Raphael smiled. In a fluid motion he brought out his gun and fired two shots at a guard.
  What followed next was his lifeless body falling to the ground and creating a loud thud that literally shook the air around.

  "Since you all are very stupid, I'll make sure I dispose of you all my self today. Atleast I'm doing the earth a favour by getting rid of incompetent fools" Raphael scowled as he raised his gun again targeting another random guard.

"Raphael" Thomas was quick to step in, lowering his gun immedately.
"Don't embark on a shooting spree. We don't need this now" he advised.

  Raphael pivoted around and aimed his gun at Thomas instead.
"Then I'll shoot you then"

  Thomas rolled his eyes at Raphael. He knew Raphael was just so enraged that he could hardly think straight.
"Drop the fucking gun Raphael. You can't go around killing everyone"

"But some one is trying to kill me!" Raphael retorted, his veins visible and throbbing as he spoke.

"Can't you see it? Someone is after me. Some one very close to me is after my life and the mother fucker got into my warehouse despite how heavily guarded this place is. I lost about eighty million in a day!" Raphael bellowed.

  "Yes someone is trying to harm you but you don't have to start killing all the underbossess. Emilio and the rest are working on getting the security footages outside the warehouse days before the explosion. We could possibly get something from there so just calm down" Thomas advised yanking the gun away from Raphael's vengeful hold.

  Suddenly a red haired stepped inside in the hall and bowed at both of them, acknowledging their presence.

"Have you gotten any footage?" Thomas was the first to speak.

The man nodded. "Yes. Capo dei capi please come watch it because it isn't quite adding up" he slowly uttered.

  "How do you mean?" Raphael shot at him immedately with a raised brow.

"Well..." the man began, trailing in front of Raphael. "No suspicious movements were seen Capo. Everbody that came into the warehouse were all belonging to the mafia"

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