Chapter 70

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  "Look for her. Search every fucking place for her!" I yelled my orders at my men as we scattered around the house in search for Nicole.

  It had been close to four weeks since Nicole regained her consciousness and she never wanted to set her eyes upon me after the day I set my foot inside the room to see her.

  She found me repulsive and instead choose to spend her morning and nights locked up in her room. She didn't even want to come down for dinner or breakfast anymore.

  All her meals were served in her room and she isolated herself from everyone apart from Luca who regularly came to check up on her and Aurora too.

Aurora spent time with her in her room. Luca greatly recommended it to help her mental welfare.

Nicole demanded from Aurora that her things be moved from our room to a different room.

  All attempts to talk her out of it seemed abortive. We gave in to her requests and I had maids move her things to a different room.

I made sure the room she stayed in was completely lacking nothing and made comfortable to suit her to her taste.

I tried my best to always come close to Nicole and talk to her but whenever she saw me, she went into a panic frenzy and would always scream that I'm trying to kill her.

  Honestly, I was beyond broken.
I was depressed and it grew each nanosecond. My world seemed bleak, vanished of its colours as Nicole distanced herself from me daily.

  I love this woman. I admit I made such a huge mistake but I am willing to go to the moon and back just for her.

  I want Nicole so much that the pain of what she has become crushes me every single time. I made a grave mistake but I'm willing to spill my blood if that is what she wants.

  I just want her forgiveness and love back. I want my Nicole back.
I want to lie with her next to me, cuddle her and profess my love a thousand times to her whilst staring deep into her eyes.

I pushed all work duties aside and only interacted with my capos whom I sent to Russia to deal with Ivan.

  Fuck. Just the thought brought tears to my eyes as I ran in search of Nicole.
I can't let her leave me. I can't let her  go.

She is my wife, my Nicole and my love. I can't let my precious doe escape me.

  I'll do anything to win her back but I can't let her leave me. All I needed was a  second chance to right all my wrongs and proove myself to be the husband that she always dreamt off and wanted.

  I'll do it all for Nicole but I can't let her leave.

"Search all corners. Both inside the house and outside. She definitely could not have gotten very far if she went outside!" I thundered, the veins in my neck throbbing out and my eyes having slits of fury in them as my men scampered all around my mansion's vicinity in search of Nicole.

  Everyone was thrown into a panic frenzy which created the ambience of the area.

  "If she goes missing I swear, I'll shoot every fucking guard on duty!" I threatened, my anger growing by the second.

Where the fuck is Nicole?!
Aurora had gone to serve her dinner when she realised that Nicole wasn't in her room.

Aurora searched every possible place she felt Nicole was before raising the alarm.

  "She's outside!" A male voice of one of my men informed us as he came sprinting towards us.

   I ran outside like my life depended on it, the heavy thumping footsteps of my men behind me.
I felt relieved hearing that she was outside.

  I thought she had ran away.
I pushed through the iron gates of the mansion and seated right in the middle of the lone road was Nicole.

Her face was downcasted and her hands drew circles on the ground.
The streetlights did justice in providing us enough light to spot her silhouette profile in the darkness.

"Nicole" I called out to her.

She instantly looked at me and I flinched. I expected her to raise a cry like always but she sat calm and veered her eyes away from my worried optics to what she was drawing on the ground.

"What are you doing outside here baby? I've been searching for you. Come inside ok. Dinner is ready" I softly said, taking stealthily steps towards her.

"Don't come any closer" Nicole suddenly said making me halt in my tracks without glancing at me

"Why were you looking for me? I thought you wanted me gone?" Nicole asked before whipping her gaze to face mine.

"I don't sweetheart. I want you in my life bella " I replied, trying so hard not to trigger her emotions.

Nicole stood up slowly and dusted her dress. "Really? You want me in your life? But you wanted me dead weeks ago"

Her words hurt me and my pain clogged my chest.
"Nicole..." I forced myself to speak but she immedately let out a hysteric giggle.

  I stood fixed.
"Can you... all...see him?" Nicole asked in between giggles, pointing at my men who stood behind me.

"He wants to take me inside so he can kill me" she added, laughing to herself.

"That's not it bella. I won't harm you. I promise" I tried assuring her, tears brewing up in my eyes.

"But you also promised you would always love me and you switched sides" Nicole stopped laughing and tilted a brow at me.

  I found myself at lost for words, my tremor rising.

"You killed me Raphael and you didn't even need to pull the trigger" her voice became shaky and her lips quivered.

"Don't say that please" I whispered underneath my breath.

"You fucking killed me! You turned your back against your own wife and tortured me down their in that cellar. You had Leila come beat me whilst Lev injected me with God knows what. I lost my baby Raphael right under your nose yet you didn't do anything!" She spoke with so much hatred burning in her eyes.

"I am just a barren soul Raphael. I have no more will to live. You've succeded in killing me" she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry. Allow me right all my wrongs please" I pleaded, my pain evident in my eyes.

"I was a fool Nicole. A big one. Please I just need one more chance from you please. Punch me and spill my blood if you have to but please just give me one more chance"

Nicole smiled admist her tears and laughed. "Bullshit" she giggled, it was such a painful laugh.

Suddenly Nicole staggered and held on to her head, her chest heaving repeatedly.
Noticing it, I rushed to her aid and held her right before her knees caved to the ground.

"I hate you" she whispered before going unconscious.

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