Chapter 61

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   I emptied my insides into the bucket placed next to me. Sighing, I flopped my head back against the cold wall and leaned my back on it.
  My chest heaved rapidly and heavily with sweat coating my forehead and temples. This was the third time I was vomiting just in this night.
I hadn't spent the entire night in this cold cellar yet I was already feeling so irritated by the conditions of the cellar.

   As I was being led to the cellar, Thomas accompanied me while pleading for me to try recollect what ever happened between I and Miles that made me give him Raphael's flash drive.
A faint smile drew on my lips as I recounted it. He was the only one brave enough to actually stick by me.
The rest couldn't go against their capo.

  Everything still felt like a horrible nightmare to me--a horrible nightmare that I was begging to be awoken from.

Time and time again, my brain would recollect the memories, playing back the events that just happened a few hours ago downstairs and still nothing made sense to me.

  I was being very sincere to Raphael and yet he didn't believe a single word I said. He called me a liar. He thinks I am two faced.

He instead believes Leila when I'm literally just being honest.

This pain I felt was shattering my heart into pieces and crushing to smithereens, my entire life.
  My marriage was crumbling and I can't seem to do a thing about it.

  My mind shuddered at how ruthless and brutal Raphael could be.
The scarlet blood stains which decorated his shirts whenever he returned home served as a reminder to me in the kind of man I was married to.

I was in the middle of a very deadly plot and there seemed to be no way out.

  Tears trickled down my cheeks and I sobbed bitterly, downcasting my head.
My ears then picked up the sound of footsteps approaching me.

  I quickly veered my eyes up hoping it would be Raphael as he hasn't seen me since he sent his guards to dump me in here but my gaze held the familiar orbs of Thomas.

  "It's you" I whispered, my voice shaky.
Thomas nodded and crouched down next to the iron bars of the cellar that seperated both of us.

"Nicole how are you?" He softly asked.

I shook my head, trying so hard to stifle back my tears but I failed miserably in doing so.
"I am dying Thomas. I'm innocent. I want to see Raphael please. He literally thinks I'm lying to him. I can swear on my life that I have no clue of what is going on" I bemoaned in tears.

"But you were the one in the video. Same face, same hairstyle, same room. Undoubtedly it was you. It won't be easy for Raphael to overlook that Nicole" Thomas explained to me.

  I gulped and my breathing became frantic. " But he has to believe me. I swear I'm innocent. I didn't do anything Thomas"

  Thomas went silent for a while, his cryptic eyes boring into mine as we held each others gaze.
"Did you really make a spare flash drive though Nicole?"

"Yes I did. I remembered that clearly. Leila was there" I replied too quickly.

"That means Leila is lying?" Thomas raised a brow at me.

"She is Thomas. What would I gain from betraying Raphael? I'm an African woman. We are raised to respect our husbands. I'll never turn my back against Raphael"

I cried even more, my wails resonating through the walls of the cold muddy cellar.

"I will not be surprised if Leila is actually lying though" Thomas said to my disbelief.
He really believes me!

"Really?!" I almost exclaimed for joy.
Thomas gave a shallow chortle and nodded. "She is madly inlove with Raphael. She will do anything to have him. And I'm sure she sees this as a means of securing her place in his life and pushing you out"

"You see it don't you? But Raphael seems oblivious to that fact. He is to focused on finding his disk that he doesn't seem to see beneath Leila's lies" I added.

A brief silence interluded again and I stared intently at Thomas.
"If Leila.. " Thomas began.
"Actually knew you made a spare flash drive, then she must definitely be with it" Thomas glanced at me.

I went mute, allowing him speak.
"And for maxim to actually know about that drive, it means there is someone else helping him.  That drive is the most confidential thing in this mafia.
The ghost is closer than we think. He knows us. He interacts with us. He is someone we know and we are farmilair with"

  I made my voice known by throwing him a question,"Is it Leila?"

"I doubt. She loves Raphael yes but she can't jeopardise this mafia. She would be dead in a heartbeat. My question is what made you give the drive to miles?" Thomas stared at me with a hand on his chin.

I burst into tears once more, weeping in agony. "I don't know. I can't even remember a single thing"

"You were drugged?" Thomas immedately asked.
How could I be drugged. "How is that possible?"

"Well that's the only explanation to this"

"Will Raphael kill me?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"I don't know Nicole" his reply came with a pained stare.
I almost choked on the air on hearing that.
My safety wasn't certain any more.

"But I'll make sure I protect you and expose the people behind this ok? Just be calm" Thomas reassured me.
I nodded and immedately felt a gag haul up my throat.

  I at once reached for the bucket and vomited inside it.
Thomas shuddered in disgust as the stench of my vomit and the foul odour of the cold cellar created an air that repulsed our lungs.

"Are you alright Nicole? I could hear you throwing up from the moment I began coming towards your cell"  Thomas asked.
I nodded with a pained laugh. "I am fine"
I knew I wasn't. I was pregnant with Raphael's child and now I'm being forced to stay inside this cellar for something I knew nothing off.

"Are you sure?" Thomas pushed further.
I nodded, pressing my lips into a thin line.

"Nicole, I know it's hard but I want you to please stay strong ok. Your life isn't safe and I fear whoever got you implicated just has one motive in mind"
Thomas had a faraway look in his eyes as he spoke.

"And what is that?" My lips quivered from the cold as I spoke.

"To kill you. And destroy Raphael. And that will end the Constanzo bloodline in the mafia"

* * * * *
Hello my lovely readers!!!

I'm fully back.
Law exams are so fucking stressful but I'm here to finally complete the novel.

  Trust me when I say the novel is going to end very soon.
Probably in the next 9-15 Chapters.

Thank you all for going on this journey with Raphael and Nicole.
I hope you all will love the climax and nail biting scenes of this novel.

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