Chapter 38

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"Raphael, Dante my children!" An elderly shriek reverberate across the living room.

  An elderly woman of Aurora's age scurried towards Raphael, embracing the tall man in an instant before doing so with Dante.

"Aunty Elisa, I can see you missed us" Raphael said in a mild laughter.

The woman guided all of them into the living room, excitement radiating of her body.

"I did. It is not everytime you come visit us now is it?"she rhetorically asked as they took their seats.

"And her...." her eyes darted to Nicole.
Nicole stood nervous on the spot, her eyes roving around the huge, imperial and spell bounding living room.

It looked as big as Raphael's living room. Expensive carved furniture littered the living room and the blinding lights from the chandeliers did justice in illuminating everywhere and giving it a very grand display.

About three other people stood in arrival of Raphael and his accolades.

"This is my wife Nicole. Nicole meet Homero's wife Elisa" Raphael introduced Nicole to the blonde elderly woman.

A smile broke on her lips and she engulfed Nicole in a tight hug.
"You look so beautiful my child"

Homero went over to stand by his wife as she sang praises of Nicole.
"Thank you ma. I'm honoured to be here"

"Call me Elisa" she corrected with a chortle.

Nicole gave a broad smiled at the petite blonde elderly lady. She looked as beautiful as Aurora. Her blonde shoulder length hair had ounces of grey in them and her hazel eyes sparkled like a baby's.

"Long time no see cousins" a masculine voice spoke.

Nicole watched as the three muscular men that stood in waiting for raphael came towards them.

Dante gave a wily smile "you three look so elated to see us. What's the catch?"

"We recieved word from Alessio of what happened to you guys. It could have been from a wedding to a funeral"

"Anton" Elisa sharply chided passing him frigid glares.

Anton was tall and muscular like the rest of his brothers. The resemblance  was striking; same pointed nose and hazel eyes just like their mother coupled with their blonde hair.
"Mama what did he say wrong?"the second male, Manuel cut in.

"You three are still as mischievous as ever. I heard demand of opium is high in Cuba, I do hope you capos are assisting Alessio and homero in the distribution" Raphael inquired interlocking his hands with Nicole's and propelling her to sit on his lap.

"Raphael you just got here. Why are you talking business?' A feminine voice cried out, alighting from one of the broad stair cases that led upstairs.

Their heads whipped to her direction.
"Calm down bro. You just arrived in Cuba"she added teasingly.

Her eyes narrowed to Nicole.
With an aura of confidence, she whipped her caramel coloured hair to a side and gave a smug smile at Nicole.

"Mariposa Garcìa, sister to Anton, Manuel and Jose "she extended her hand out to Nicole.

Nicole was caught off guard but nevertheless took her hand shake. "I'm Nicole. Raphael's wife"

"Oh I know. My brother has a thing for black women. I can see that" she conceitedly said, her eyes locking with Raphael's.

"So who was responsible for your attack capo dei capi?"Jose asked.

"Diego Perez" Dante simply stated.
They all passed glances at themselves.

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