Chapter 74

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  I stood holding on to Raphael. I could barely control my tears. My nose was runny and my eyes was extremely red.

My wailing echoed all through the mansion. I've never felt more hurt than now.

Even when Raphael tortured me in his cellar, I wasn't as hurt as I was now.
Watching Raphael die slowly in my arms was heartwrenching.
I struggled to literally breathe and my head spinned.

My heart had been crushed and I didn't know what to do.

"Raphael--raph--please wake up please. Please. I love you please don't die. For everything we shared, don't die on me Raphael" I shook him vigorously, like he would wake but he didn't.

  I screamed out pleading for Raphael to open his eyes.

"Your husband is dead and gone. Now is your turn"Lev's animalistic tone came through.

I didn't bother looking up at him. My face was buried upon Raphael's chest.
I was just a wife crying for her husband whose life was seeping away.

"Kill me already. Let me go be with my Raphael" I cried out to him, holding on to Raphael tighter than ever.

Lev let out a sadistic laughter and cocked the gun.
"But to think of it, I have no issue with you. You are a very smart woman you know. You were able to cleverly make a duplicate drive and give Maxim the fake one. I will need someone of your expertise in my team. Join me and I'll spare your life today"

Was this man drunk or what?
I slowly veered my swollen optics to meet Lev's.

"I rather die than join your fucking team or whatever you call it. I am not scared of you Lev. Kill me. I want to go be with my husband" I spat before turning my orbs back at Raphael's unconscious profile.

"Death can't do us apart. Because even in death, we will be together" I whispered, slowly laying back my head on Raphael's bloody chest.

"As you wish black princess" came his gruff reply.
I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting the worst.

  Then it rang through my ears, the sound of gunshot.
I stayed still expecting to feel the pain but surprisingly I didn't feel a thing.
Instead my ears picked up a heavy thud.

  It was at that moment I flew my eyes open and caught sight of Lev's unconscious body lying lifeless on the floor.

He had been shot.
But by who?

I looked up immediately to find Thomas, Luca, Marco and Lorenzo standing by the door.

  How relieved was I to see them!

They shuffled their feets towards me, apprehension and anxiety written over them.
"This bastard shot Raphael!" Thomas raged.

"He took the shot for me Thomas. There are two bullets in his body. Please lets get him to the hospital" I pleaded urgently.
They had already even began lifting Raphael up.

"Raphael will be fine ok" Lorenzo tried assuring me as he led me out the door.

Thomas, Luca and Marco had carried Raphael outside.
My breathing was unsteady and my tremored heart wouldn't stop palpitating.

"I really pray so Lorenzo" I sobbed.

"He will. That fucker Lev thought he could escape us but luckily we found him right on time. Raphael won't die" Lorenzo tried allaying my fears but it seemed he was also trying to convince himself.

  I nodded, quickly dashing into the car Raphael was kept in.

I don't know what I want right now. All I know is that I want Raphael treated and sound.

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