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     Maybe until I was a little older, like now, so that I could fully understand and enjoy what was happening. 

"Are you really doing this right now?" I glanced over to Kat to see who she was talking too. When I saw her glare aimed at me, my mouth fell open a little, in shock. "What am I doing?" I wondered. 

"You're going into that quiet, not speaking frame of mind that you do. I hate it when you do that," she complained. "It's fine if she doesn't want to talk about it, Kat," Sherri said, taking up for me. 

"So, she can just say that, instead of clamming up every single time something is mentioned that she doesn't want to talk about," Kat huffed out. "Whatever. I'm gonna find something to wear for tonight. I hope you guys brought sexy outfits, cuz there is supposed to be a LOT of hot guys there tonight. When we show up with Mitch, in his car, all eyes will be on us." 

She wasn't wrong. Mitch was lucky enough to drive a classic White Chevy Camaro Convertible, with two black racing stripes down the middle of the hood. I had no clue what year it was, but it was definitely an older model. The sharp aerodynamics gave it a look that no other car had. It was almost in perfect condition, too. 

Every time I saw that car, I imagined what it would be like to be behind the wheel. Most people didn't know this about me, but I adored older cars. 

Probably stemmed back to when my dad was alive. He would work on older model cars, while I stood beside him and listened to him talk about how electronics were taking over, but all of the "newfangled cars with their electronic gizmos", could never take the place of a real car. I heard every word and imbedded it into my brain. 

Besides that, the look and feel of older cars had turned into my first love. The sharp curves and the simple interior design. Yeah, all of the bells and whistles of the new technological advancements in a new car were nice, but the simplicity was what I loved. I was saving up to hopefully find a 67 Chevy Impala. If I never accomplished anything else in my life, I had to have that car. 

I sighed and stood up to get my bag. I started pulling clothes out of it, praying that they weren't too wrinkled. I didn't have anything that would make me stand out, so it was just going to be jeans and a shirt that I didn't wear to school. I picked out my best pair of ripped jeans, that I felt showed off my curves, then picked up the shirt that I had chosen. It was kind of dressy, but not really. 

The deep green material had a silky feel but was a little rougher than actual silk. I could never afford actual silk. It was low cut, with slightly scrunched material gathered in the valley of my breasts. The sleeves were off shoulder and it fit rather snug across my waist. It left a one-inch strip of skin visible. 

I didn't like the shirt. I never had, but my sister had gotten it for me, with the words of "hopefully, you'll lose some weight and be able to wear it one day." So, I made sure that I wore it whenever she was around, just to prove a point. It still felt too revealing to me, but I was trying not to be that shy, quiet, boring girl anymore. 

"You look hot, Callie," Sherri said, drawing my attention. I met her gaze and blushed. "No, I don't, but thanks for trying," I replied. "Oh my God, whatever," she huffed out. "I wish you would see just how beautiful you are." "If I were beautiful, then guys would like me, instead of...anyway, guys would like me," I said, glancing over to Kat, who was modeling in front of her mirror. I had stopped myself from saying that they liked Kat, instead of me. I didn't need that drama tonight. 

"Guys do like you, Cal. You just don't let that wall down to realize it. You don't see what's right in front of your face sometimes," Sherri said. I kept my mouth shut and pulled at the shirt. I was trying to stretch it over the inch of stomach that it showed but was having no luck. I looked down and all I saw was a fat roll escaping, straining the fabric. 

"Maybe I should change," I murmured. "No, you better not!" Kat exclaimed, making me jump from the loudness of her voice. "You look hot! Besides, I don't have anything that will fit you and that's probably the hottest thing you brought to wear. We are not showing up in basic jeans and a t-shirt, Callie. You're close enough to wearing that as it is." 

I looked down at my jeans and sneakers. They were nice and clean, but very inexpensive. My white and gray shoes looked good with what I was wearing but weren't a good name brand. It was no secret that I was wearing Walmart shoes. At least, not for Sherri and Kat. 

Sherri was wearing the Adidas that she got at the beginning of the school year and Katherine had changed into a pair of black Jimmy Choo heels. Way overdressed and extremely expensive. 

I had name brand shoes but had left them at home. My mom always got me one pair of good shoes and one pair of cheap shoes before every school year. I would wear my Adidas to school, then change as soon as I got home, so that I wouldn't mess them up. I didn't even think about packing them for the weekend. 

"I really wish that your foot wasn't so damn big," Kat mused, like she was reading my mind. "Why didn't you bring another pair of shoes?" I shrugged and turned back to my bag, to get my makeup. "Want me to help?" I heard Sherri ask. I turned towards her to see her looking at me. "With my makeup?" I asked. She nodded and patted the space on the bed, next to her. "Okay, I guess," I replied. 

I mean, I wasn't the best at makeup, but I didn't wear it a lot anyway. Just your typical dark eyeliner, mascara, and maybe a light color on my lips. Other than that, I didn't wear it. I did, however, own a lot of makeup that I didn't use. I sat down next to her and passed her the bag. She dumped it out on the bed and went to work. 

"Are you going to change?" I heard Katherine ask. 

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