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12 October 2000 - 7.30 p.m.

GABRIEL watched Mia Sara's faces as she spooned her food. He smiled faintly. Though Mia Sara had rejected him as a lover, she was still the woman he would like to be with.

Mia Sara raised her head. "Well... you're not eating."

Slowly, Gabriel sliced his steak, cut it to small pieces and put a piece into his mouth. He chewed deliberately. 

"Hey... looks like you lost your appetite," Mia Sara giggled. 

Gabriel showed his teeth. 

"It's on me... don't worry," Mia Sara said.

"It's not that," Gabriel said.

"What do you mean?" Mia Sara stopped eating. She placed her fork and knife on the table. Wiped her mouth with a napkin. She sipped her drink and returned her attention on Gabriel. 

"Nothing," Gabriel forced himself to smile. 

"Aw, come on. Tell me," Mia Sara pleaded. 

"Hmm... I was thinking about us, Sara."

"Gabriel... haven't I told you before... we're still friends. Friends are forever and..." Mia Sara paused. "Oh, no. Don't start that old story again, Gabriel," Mia Sara shook her head. 

"I know... I shouldn't talk about that." Gabriel laughed quietly, shaking his head. "But believe it or not... I still love you, Sara." Gabriel revealed, truthfully.

Mia Sara heaved a sigh. 

"Yes... I know, you have Hilman."

Now Mia Sara groaned. 

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to bring up our past," Gabriel apologized. 

"Gabriel... I appreciate your feelings for me. I really thank you for providing me with all the information about Hilman. But..." Mia Sara let out a long sigh. "It's better for us to remain like we are now, Gabriel. Let's leave it to God to decide for us."

"You're still there in my heart, Gabriel. I still love you. Like a sister's love for her brother," Mia Sara said.

"Yes..." Gabriel nodded weakly. 

They exchanged smiles. 

"I believe... one day soon, you'll meet a fine woman who'll love you as a lover and..." Mia Sara smiled. "... a husband..." she continued.

"Yup..." Gabriel still kept that smile. 

"I'm so sorry, Sara. I shouldn't have..." 

"Forget it, okay. Let's just eat."

"Okay... your treat, right?"

"Why... you want me to pamper you for seven days and nights?"

Mia Sara laughed. Gabriel laughed, too. 

"Naughty, naughty," Gabriel said.

"Oh, yes..." Mia Sara's looks turned serious at once. "How's the analysis on Hilman's blood going on?" she asked. 

"I'm getting it tomorrow," Gabriel said, briefly. 

"Thanks," she said.



12 October 2000 - 8.00 p.m.

THE night was still young. Ruben drove his car towards the outskirt of District of Columbia intending to go to Baltimore this very night.  He can't wait for tomorrow to make his journey.  He was on a week vacation beginning tomorrow.  Then,  he'll be in Algeria to do some spy work for the CIA.

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now