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16 October 2000 - 11.15 a.m.

HILMAN strode around the area in a disguise. He wore a shoulder-length wig, tied back in a ponytail. His face was hidden behind a false mustache and beard and a pair of dark glasses. 

His presence in the area did not attract any attention. He was just another visitor who patronized the local businesses. He did, on a few occasions, bumped into some policemen who patrolled the area, but they never bothered him. Hilman felt unencumbered. Free! Like a bird flying in the air.

He had earlier, this morning, after writing three letters addressed to Gabriel, Daljit, and Mia Sara sneaked out of the room at Tudor Hotel. He did not want them to be involved in his personal vendetta. He would be the only one responsible should anything happen to him. 

And the day after tomorrow... on October 18, America would be stunned by his daring act of shooting Jack William, the United States President. History would repeat itself. Lee Harvey Oswald shot President Kennedy back in November 1963. Now, Hilman would be the first Asian to taint the country's history once again. 

The whole of America might mourn their president's death. And at the same time, his own family, relatives, friends, or those who knew him would be shocked to hear the death of a Malay who had earlier shot the most famous man on earth. 

Most probably, newspapers around the world would carry the news on their front pages. While television would make it their top story. People all over the world would talk about his daring act. The tragedy would be talked about forever, written in history books, just like the history of the murder of Abraham Lincoln, the first President of the United States. 

CIA and FBI would start an immediate investigation. For certain, some would connect his bravado to political motives. The act would be connected to the terrorist agenda of Osama Ben Laden. And when his identity is confirmed, Malaysia would not escape the condemnation from America and its allies. Except for Iraq and Palestine, who would worship his daring act? They would proclaim him a hero. There would be debates and bickerings about whether to proclaim him a martyr or a criminal. 

No! Those things had nothing to do with what he was going to do on October 18. They would not be involved. This was his personal act. He should solve it personally even if it sounded crazy. Hilman must shoot Jack William, his personal enemy. 

He would do it to avenge the sufferings the man had caused to himself and his daughter, Jeslina. Because of him, Jeslina was now fighting for her life. It was just a coincidence that Jack William was the United States President. Hilman would not hesitate to shoot him even if Jack William was a milk delivery man. 


HILMAN stopped as he passed by a shop. He could see several hi-fi sets being put on offer behind the glass display. Hilman thought of something. He turned to look at the tailor shop next to the first shop. He was attracted by the fashion dress on the two mannequins that looked as though they were human. Once more, Hilman thought of something. He stood there between the two shops for quite some time, contemplating and thinking. Putting the hi-fi set and the mannequins together gave Hilman an idea of a trick. A trick often used by magicians. 'Divert the attention so that you can disappear!'

After he gave it a long thought, Hilman continued his walk, searching for a shop selling cassettes, CDs, or VCD. He was fortunate because he found one in less than half an hour. It was an entertainment shop over-decorated with various entertainment concepts from disco to sentimental music. In fact, the shop carried a variety of movie titles on VCD. Outside the shop were posters promoting the current diva Celine Dion, the boy group Westlife and others. Hilman stepped into the shop and asked a salesgirl about a sound effect cassette or CD - that contained sounds of war or whatever as long as there were sounds of firing guns. A trick!

PERSONAL JUSTICE by Ramlee Awang MurshidWhere stories live. Discover now