Chapter 24: Hanji The Matchmaker

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The infirmary was lively with sick and injured soldiers and cadets. I sighed as a coughing man was placed in the cot beside mine.

"Y/n! I'm here to rescue ya!" I jumped and looked to hanji running through the infirmary.

"w-what?" I questioned once she reached me with that all knowing, way too creepy grin on her face.

"We can move you back to your room!"

"but... Im still wearing my cast-"

"that doesn't matter. I'm going to get Levi to carry you outta here!" I stopped to stare at her for a moment, trying to deliberate if she has actually, finally, gone mad.

"how are you going to do that?"

The smirk she had was enough to put me more on edge. With one swift motion, she scooped me up and placed me on the floor. In all of the rush with the infirmary, the doctors hadn't noticed.

"stay right there." she giggled and hurried off.

"it's not like I can go anywhere if I wanted to." I muttered to myself. Of course, the floor is cold and uncomfortable. As well as having decades worth of bloodstains seeped deep within the wood.

"y/n? Hanji sai-are you alright?" levi questioned, kneeling down to get a good look at me.

"I'm fine, that idiot-"

"hey, asshole, how long has she been on the fucking floor?!" levis voice boomed and a free doctor hurried over in shock as levi scooped me up in his arms.

"I-I don't know corporal. She wasn't like that when I checked on her."

"and when was that?" the doctor gulped.

"th-this morning. But she could've shouted for the staff, we'd always-"

"save it. I'm taking y/n to her room. Where she'll actually be fucking safe and supervised." with that, he stormed out of the room, I wrapped my good arm around him to keep myself steady.

I watched his face as he carried me, watching his hair bounce slightly with each step he made. I subconsciously snuggled closer to him which caused the stoic corporals lips to twitch slightly upward.

"don't get used to this."

"oh come on, you know you're enjoying this too." he glanced at me before opening my bedroom door.

He laid me down gently and I grabbed his arm before he could move away. His eyes met mine in a look of surprise towards my quick movements.

"do you... Want to join me?" he stiffened briefly before sitting on the edge of the bed. I shuffled over.

"lay next to me. There's enough space for two." he sighed, removing his shoes before settling down beside me.

A calm silence waved over us as we stared at the ceiling.

"I used to do this with my brother all of the time growing up. When I was hurt or just feeling down, we'd lay beside each other and watch the ceiling."

"are you hurt? Did i-" I chuckled, shaking my head.

"no. I just miss your company. The last few days, you going on excursions and whatnot... Heh, to think I couldn't stand your guts."

"isobel loved you." the revelation made me smile, I glanced at him to find levi already watching me.

"Isobel was my favourite of you three. She was sweet... Im sorry I didn't get to her quick enough. She-"

"it wasnt your fault." I turned on my side to face him.

"I ran away. That titan threw me into a tree and I ran-"

"you lost your memories and saw something terrifying. Nobody blames you." I wrapped my arms around him. The man stiffened slightly before returning the embrace.

"I'm sorry all the same. You lost your family." I heard him sigh.

"not all of them."

"awe, I should let hanji and erwin know-"

"not those assholes, I meant you." I pulled back, his nose was practically touching mine.

"Levi..." his eyes widened and darted around. His eyes then met mine.

"i... You... Fuck it."

He leaned forward and connected his lips with mine, my face was aflame as I kissed him back. His hands moved up to tenderly cup my face. His lips were soft and the kiss was gentle, loving. My heart jumped as I pulled back for breath.

" I... You..." sentences wouldn't form as I stared at him, his face still only millimeters from mine.

Levi rested his forehead against mine.

"I've wanted to do that since the Kings ball."

"Y/n! I heard Levi-" hanji stood, staring at us, her shocked expression turned devious as she slowly closed the door.

"I'll leave you two to it. Don't wear protection, we want some perfect soldier babies~"

"fucking shitty glasses!" levi yelled, she squeeled and ran away. The corporal looked down at me.

"so, what do you think?" I questioned softly, stroking the stray hairs from his face.

"I think shes an asshole." I lightly hit his arm.

"this... I care about you. A lot."

" I care about you a lot too."

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