Chapter 13: Burn Out

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The kings ball wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. The weeks after? They were worse.

"Y/n, you have admirers from the garrison asking for you to give a speech at their-" i slammed my knife down as strong as a sleep deprived person can.

"Erwin, please. I have been giving speeches, seeing civilians and helping my pregnant sister in law help my weak father. And that's without training and teaching the cadets about survival. Please don't expect me to do it." He looked at me as if he was seeing me for the first time.

I sniffed and grabbed a tissue.

Erwin snapped out of his daze and moved to stand but Hanji beat him to it. Placing a hand to my forehead.

"She needs rest. She's overworked herself and caught a cold. Lucky for us, it's not a temperature." She said before getting me up.

Erwin nodded for Levi to assist. He surprisingly made no complaint as he put my arm across his shoulders and placed his arm under my legs before lifting me bridal style.

"I'll open the doors for you!~"

I felt my face heat up at the scene being created buly hanji as she overdramatically flung open the doors for levi as he carried me to my room.

"I can walk you know." He simply glanced down at me and i felt my face grow warmer.

"You're too tired. You need to save your energy, burnout is the last thing we want to happen to you." The mad scientist gently opened the door to my room and levi sauntered in before gently laying me onto the mattress.

He pulled the sheets over me a little and backed away.

"We'll have so much fun! Hey, maybe you can try the new sleep medicine i've been working on! It'll give you twice the energy with half the sleep if it works an-"

"I'll look after her shitty glasses. I have the day off, you have a full day." She sighed and dropped her shoulders as if a brick wall had fallen onto them.

"You are no fun Levi~" she winked before flouncing out of the room like a rag in the wind.

The atmosphere died down as I waited for him to speak. I'd even prefer an insult to this awkward silence.

"Well? go to sleep. I'll get some shit from the infirmary for you to take when you get up." I huffed but sunk into the table like mattress.

"You don't need to take care of me. I'm not a-"

"This isn't up for discussion. Rest. You can tell me i'm not needed when you're better." Heat rose in my cheeks.

"I survived this far with hardlyany sleep. A common cold won't kill me." He rolled his eyes

"Don't be stupid. Sleep." Without wanting to make a fool of myself, my eyes fluttered closed.

Sleep welcomed me with open arms.

Until my throat turned to sandpaper and i awoke with a coughing fit.

Arms rested around me as levi rubbed his hand in a circle on my back.

Once it subsided and i could breathe, he got back in his seat beside my bed before scrunching up his face slightly and pouring the medicine into a spoon.

He leaned over and moved to pass the spoon.

"Let me, you're too shaky." He spoke gently as if i seemed so fragile I'd break if he spoke normally.

I simply nodded my consent as I didn't want my raspy voice to get worse.

He scooted closer before cradling my head to feed me the disgusting concoction.

Once i was done, he placed the spoon quickly on the nightstand before placing a hand onto my forehead.

My breath got caught in my throat at his closeness.

"Corporal Y/n!" Levi jumped up anddirected a menacing glare at the poor unexpecting Eren.

"Do you ever knock Jaeger?" The boy gulped and shuddered under the corporals steel gaze.

If i was in Erens place even I would be uncomfortable.

"S-sorry sir. I just- we're supposed to be learning foraging today in case we get stuck outside the walls."

"Couldn't you see that she was unwell in the hall? Hanji's training you today so go." The boy soluted and quickly closed the door. His frantic footsteps echoed through the corridor as he hurried away.

Levi retreated back to his seat.

"Is there any chance of you sleeping at all?"

"No" i said with a scratchy raspy voice. He sighed and picked up his book.

"Just- try anyway. Okay?" I turned onto my side to get comfortable and closed my eyes.

After some time a dream came to me.

"Hey, how's our adorable soldier?" I jumped and turned to find jason.

"How's my favourite painter?" He grinned and pulled me into a hug.

"Better now that i know you're safe. Come on, dad's cooking today." I smiled and walked with him into the small cottage where we were greeted by the smell of homemade bread and tomato soup.

"last person to the table gets a bigger helping" I exclaimed and zoomed to the dining room only to get tackled by sumo, the lovely Saint Bernard that always ruins my victory.

I giggled as he kicked my face.

"alright boy, off. Come on." I groaned as I sat up, he whined but complied.

The dining room door opened to show the victorious Jason.

" going round back is the way to go if you want to win. You should know that by now." he mused as he gave me a hand before pulling me to my feet.

It was one of the last times I saw him and sumo.

Red entered my vision and a bloody Jason stood glaring.

" hey shit head, you're supposed to be resting not having nightmares. " groggily, I opened my eyes.

" sorry, I... Is that more medicine? How long have I been-"

"two hours." I watched him fill the spoon with the medicine and I took my chance to glance over him.

He's only wearing a Button up shirt and pants. I don't remember the last time I saw him dressed casual.

He leaned closer.

"you think you can feed yourself?" shakily, I lifted my hand out and he sighed.

"you really are burned out." he muttered and fed me the medicine the way he had in the morning.

I chuckled at him and levi raised a brow inquisitive lay.

"you'd make a good nurse." he scowled and rolled his eyes.

"if you were a cadet I would have made you run laps for that." I sat up tiredly.

"you wouldn't." I smiled as he returned to his reading and muttered to himself.

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