Chapter 28: Worth and fluff

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A/n: I'd just like to thank you all for your support on my break. I'm not 100% but much better than I was last year. I didn't process the trauma I had experienced which just made my issues skyrocket.

I've taken my time, I'm seeking help and so far I believe I'm ready to return to social media and writing again.

Thank you so, so much for reading and supporting me. I really appreciate you 💕

I sighed as I glanced at Erwin in the cafeteria.

"It feels wrong to let everyone fight for me out there." I whispered, Erwin sighed.

"You're worth protecting. We all believe that. Y/n, without you we were all merely surviving but upon your return, these halls have seen laughter and stress has melted away because you have given this place what we haven't had for a long time."

"Good pastries?" I asked thinking back to all of the times I've been holed up in our kitchen cooking meals or baking desserts.

"Hope." He replied with an easy smile.

"One person can't singlehandedly-"

"But you did. You came back to us after six years of being stranded out there. You introduced crucial lessons on surviving beyond the wall and have implemented new safer routes back into the walls for others that may get stuck out there. Our average death rate has gone down since your return. So yes, you're worth fighting for. You are worth your weight in gold and then some." He responded, I chewed my lip. His words had managed to touch me in some small way that made my shoulders feel lighter.

"Commander!" We both stood as the door creaked open to reveal Connie as he saluted us.

"We've handed the attackers to the Garrison, thankfully they're shit fighters.  We had more trouble dragging the Corporal off of them. It was like he went feral. I didn't hear what the guy said but whatever it was, whoo, i'll bet he wished he kept his mouth shut." I stared at Connie and he smiled at me.

"Where is he now?" I asked, Erwin couldn't hide the amusement that my worried voice gave him. I bet he believes his and Hanjis pushing is what got this result.

"Levi will be on his way here once hanji's done  bandaging up his knuckles." I hurried off as quick as I could with my limp. Cadets and squad members parted and would occasionally point in the direction the mad scientist and my anger ridden partner had gone.

I ran the last few steps as he came into view.

"Levi!" I exclaimed, he turned and surged forward to catch me as my legs gave way.

"What did I say about exerting yourself?" He scolded softly.

"You're hurt." I said, gazing up at him.He chuckled and I righted myself.

"Should've seen what I did to the other guy. My scratches and bruises don't compare to the casts and stitches he'll be needing. They'll never come after you again."

"I don't like you getting hurt over me." I said, he just shrugged.

"Now you know how I  feel." He mused before kissing my hair. I closed my eyes for a moment and allowed myself to breathe.

"You are both just too cute~ I could just melt." We rolled our eyes at the dramatic scientist.

"Anyway, Y/n. If you're free tomorrow afternoon, stop by my lab. I have an idea on ways I could try and trigger your visions." The idea alone piqued my interest and I nodded.

"I'll think about it." She nodded.

"I'll let you two love birds continue on your way. Speak to you later!~" she chimed and wandered down the hall probably to find Erwin.  Hopefully she'll loosen him up a bit before dinner.

"I need to talk to you when we reach the office." He whispered, eyes glazing over my face. I pulled away and linked my arm with his as we ascended the stairs to the office we now share.

As soon as the door closed behind us, Levi left my side and took a seat on the couch, patting the cushion beside him. I took my seat and he held my hand, giving it a light squeeze.

" are you okay?" I asked, trying to look at his downcast face

"That asshole told me that you used to date. An-"


"He said all this shit and I just started laying into him. Never have I let someone get the best out of me like that but I just had to get him to shut up. I...I just" I stroked levis arm, leaning closer to him.

"It's okay. "

"It's not! If anybody talks about you like that again, I swear, I'll kill them. Nobody gets to talk about you like that." I nodded.

"Looks like what he said really-"

"Of course it got to me. I fucking. I love you. I've loved you for a long ass time and hearing someone speak such shit...I can't stand it." My heart hammered erratically in my chest.

"You love me?" His eyes gazed into mine and I could see the softness, the vulnerability in his face.

"How could I not? Sure you're irritating at times and reckless, irresponsible, selfless-"


"You're the best damned thing that has ever happened to me. It's taken me a long time to realize it."

"I love you too." He smiled and cupped my face in his hand, guiding my lips to his in a soft and tender kiss.

"Corporal Levi?"

"Ignore it." Levi whispered against my lips as he lay me down on the couch still kissing me. I tried to stay quiet as his hands roamed over my torso.

After a minute, the cadet wandered off.

"See?" He whispered "not that important."

He kissed me again before peppering kisses along my jaw, down my neck. I gasped and his fingers began undoing my blouse, his cold fingers lightly grazing the warmth of my chest. His lips travelled further, kissing and nibbling as he went.

"Levi." I breathed, he glanced up at me as I stroked his face.

"The bedwould be more comfortable, don't you think?" He slowly climbed off of me, my body suddenly grew cold without his heat. Levi scooped me up into his arms and he kissed my lips once more.

"You know, your gruff assertiveness really does something to me." I whispered, he breathed out a small laugh.

"Nobody gets to talk about you like that" I imitated.

"Shut up." I laughed and nuzzled into him as he carried me into the room.

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