Chapter 25: storm brewing

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"Gain way!" I screamed in warning as Hanji zoomed around the corridor, propelling my wheelchair with as much speed as her legs could muster.

The maniac let out an evil bought of laughter behind me.

We grinded to a halt in front of levis office. I turned to face the mad scientist.


"I'll leave you to it. Don't do anything I wouldn't do ~" she chimed before dashing off before just could respond.

I shook my head and knocked on the heavy door.

"Come in." I twisted the doorknob and gave the door a push before wheeling myself inside.

Levi hadn't looked up.

"Erm...we're you expecting someone?" His head snapped up in an instant.

"You're- ehem. How is the wheeled chair?" I smiled and pushed myself towards his desk.

"It's good for now. Erm...the doctors have said I might have to use this every now and then even when my legs are healed. Something to do with nerves and spasms. So...How's the paperwork?"

"Never fucking ending." I snorted, his gaze softened as he made his way around the desk and sat beside me.

"So....are we going to talk about it?"

"About what?"

"The kiss. We kissed, hanji saw and you just...left." he ran a hand through his hair and huffed out a long sigh.

"I didn't intend to offend you."

"Intent doesn't matter. It hurt....but I understand. It happened so fast and-" he took my hand carefully between his.

"It's not that. I just, our job is a dangerous one and one that neither of us are giving up anytime soon. I was just thinking about what that meant."

"And your conclusion?"

"It's worth it. You in all of your infuriating, selfless heroics and terrible are worth every moment of worry that I'm undoubtedly going to face."

"I....I'll have you know my coordination is-"

"You flew into a tree."

"That was because swords were flying at me!"

"Any excuse."

"I-" I stopped at the sight of his genuine smile, his sparkling eyes and the way levis hair was slowly falling.

He awkwardly released my hand and began to pull back when I cupped his face.

"You are worth it too."

"you don't know what you do to me when you start-" before he could finish his sentence, I kissed him. It was short lived and sweet as he moved back.

"You will be the death of me, Y/n."

"Careful, I might actually start thinking that you love me." He considered for a moment and my face grew hot as his eyes bore into mine.

"I don't know. Maybe if you kiss me again I'd be able to say for sure." I snorted but did as he requested. One of his hands stroked down my side and rested at my waist while the other embedded itself in the hair at the back of my head.

I moaned as he gave my hair a light tug, he seized the opportunity and deepened the kiss, getting so close, I could practically feel his heat.

I pulled back.

"Levi..." He bit his lip.

"Too far?"

"Not enough." Was my confident responce. I mentally prayed that I sounded more confident than I felt. My heart fluttered like I had a cage of butterflies in my chest ready to fly free.

"You don't know what you're asking of me..." I smiled.

"If you're not ready-" he leaned forward gripping the arm rests of my wheelchair.

"Oh, I've never been more certain. But you're still recovering." The sweetness in his voice and the softness in his gaze had me frozen, completely captivated.

"I'd settle for kisses and cuddles. As long as its in your bed because mine is tiny." He rolled his eyes as a smirk played on his lips.

"...youre not upset?" I shook my head.

"I'm not going to force you. However I hope you keep your promise that once I get out of this chair-"

"I owe you night of complete frivolous passion." He responded, I laughed and lightly hit his arm.

A/n: sorry this has taken so long for such a small yet fluffy chapter. I've not been able to update because I've been in hospital. Alls good now so I'm hoping to slowly get more consistent 😊

As always, thanks for being patient!

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