Chapter 10: Beautiful

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"We need to find her. She's a threat to our plan. If she ever got back inside the walls, it'll be the end of us." I silently gulped from my spot in the bushes.

I peaked at them. A tall man with glasses and long brown hair, a blonde teenager with yellow eyes, a platinum blonde girl and a super tall boy with short black hair.

I remained hidden until they parted. I waited for two hours before finally leaving my spot feeling no indication of danger.

My dream suddenly switched as a man screamed at me.

"Get her! I want her alive!" My vision went red as i ran for my life from three shadows and hordes of titans.

I jolted up when something cold and wet touched my forehead.

"You really need to stop waking me up like this L/n." I opened my eyes at the deep voice beside me. I sighed and moved to sit up when he guided me back into a laying position.

"What are y-"

"You need to get some sleep. You can't go to the kings ball high on caffine. Besides, screaming like that must have given you a headache."

"Thanks mom." I could practically see him rolling his eyes at my sarcasm.

"If you can be an asshole then you're alright...goodnight shithead." I chuckled.

"Goodnight corporal tightpants." The sound of the door closing set me at ease as i removed the wet towel from my head and snuggled into my pillows. Luckily, the night passed with no more nightmares.

"Y/n, commander Erwin sent for you." I looked up from my papers at jaeger.

"What does he want?" I questioned and he shrugged.

"Some pregnant lady ruined training and refused to leave because she came for you. She's in his office."

"Oh gosh." I leapt up and ran down the hallway and opened the door to find Sarah with two soldiers holding her arms.

"I am her sister in law! She invited me and I want to see her."

"Sarah? We aggreed I'd come to get you. You're dismissed, I can handle her. Sorry Erwin." He just smiled slightly.

"She has your temper." He joked playfully and i rolled my eyes leading her to my room.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I just got so excited and I had to come and see you. Dad's fine, He's had his medication and everything. I just want some good bonding time. We haven't had much time to personally know each other."

I entered my room and held the door open for her. She grinned and entered seating herself on my bed.

"Wow, this is the most uncomfortable bed i've ever sat on. How the hell do you sleep at night?" I found her statement funny as i took a seat beside her.

"I guess just like anyone else. Usually we work so hard it makes you so exhausted that the floor is tempting. Anyway, do you want to see Jasons room now? It's easier to go when everyone's out training." 

The woman cradled her stomach but shook her head softly.

"I-I don't think I'm ready. Being surrounded by him when he isn't here- I need more time to heal. I thought i'd be fine but" she sniffed.

I wrapped my arms around the pregnant woman who seemed to calm down almost instantly.

"I'm sorry! I'll go-go to the bathroom to calm down while you get dressed." With that, I stood and showed her. She gave a grateful smile before closing the door.

I sighed and got dressed before applying light lipstick and powder under my eyes to remove the appearance of dark circles.

Once Sarah entered, she smiled widely at my appearance.

"Oh, wow. You look- i have no words."

I smiled awkwardly at her and fidgited slightly.

"I think i'll do yoir hair simpler now that i look at you. Ooh! What if i braided the front of your hair and tied it back? You'll look like royalty!"

"I'll be fine with what you think is better." She nodded and got to work.

We gossiped whilst she braided an updo for me. I saw her reflection smile as she tied my hair back before delicately adding flowers to accent the look.

"Ta da~ nobody will be able to keep their eyes off of you." She smiled and I stood to look at myself properly.

I look so awake and vibrant, I don't remember the last time I looked so alive never mind this radient.

I was at awe with the dress, of course, father has always sewn gowns for special occasions in sina but I never thought i'd get one. The dress was smooth to the touch.

My hair completed the slightly bohemian look and I loved how simple yet elegant it all turned out.

"Well? Give me a good twirl" I smiled and spun slightly, the skirt floated from the ground elegantly.

Sarah seemed to be in love with my outfit as she clapped her hands giddily.

"If you meet anyone who takes your fancy, let me know~"

She was definitely made for my brother.

"yeah, as if you can fall in love with someone in one night." i replied lightheartedly and she smiled. 

"when is the party anyway?"

I decided to slip on my short heels "I'm being picked up at seven from here." I mused from my awkward position. 

"then they're a bit late." I looked to the clock in surprise and she laughed when i realized it was only 6:30. 

"har har. do you want me to walk you to the stables? I would walk you home but-"

she shook her head making her wavy hair bounce. "nope. I'm okay, i wouldn't want your shoes or dress getting ruined. besides, I liked walking here alone. I felt so connected to Jason seeing all of the sights that he spent so much time around." I was about to speak when a firm knock sounded at the door. 

"come in!" I called. the door remained firmly shut. "Hanji, I'm decent."  

the door opened slowly and creaked sightly before revealing a very annoyed corporal. my eyebrows shot up in surprise and my cheeks flushed slightly. I hate to admit it but he cleans up nicely.

"do i look like shitty glasses to you? are you ready to go? Hanji and Erwin are already in the carriage."

now i was confused.

"Hanji said she would come with me." he scoffed. 

"yeah, she thought if you had the choice to go with me you wouldn't take it since you've been ignoring me." 

my shoulders slumped and i nodded. she was right, i would have protested more but now that I've calmed down, everything's fine.

"I'm sorry about not telling you first." 

i looked at the corporal with his slicked back hair in shock at his apology before smiling and walking over. he averted his eyes in what looked like embarrassment.

"thank you. oh, erm safe trip Sarah." she grinned at my awkwardness and waved as i left with the corporal. 

i took a good look at him in the corner of my eye. he looked slick in his black and white suit, blue tie and slicked back hair. he tutted. 

"you look...nice." i laughed and he cocked his head at me. "what's so fucking funny?"

i looked up at him with a grin "it sounded so painful."

he rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath as we reached the carriage. he opened the door and stepped aside. I raised a brow.

"well? are you going to go inside or stand there looking like a moron?" i straightened and lifted the skirt of my dress slightly before climbing into the carriage.

The Saviour (levi ackerman x reader) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora