Chapter 23: Cakes And Interruptions.

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A/N: Y'ALL I finally have my account back!!

Turns out my ex decided to change my email password to spite me. Its all settled now so I'm back!!!

thanks for being so patient with me 🙏

We shared a look and I smiled though my heart was hammering in my chest.

"Levi, I-"

"Y/n-" I smiled and nodded for him to keep going. He gulped and glanced down before meeting my gaze with fierce intensity.

"So many things went through my head when you were in the infirmary. First being how stupid you are for agreeing to going into that death match in the first place. I-I couldn't believe how reckless you were. You have so much to look forward to and you pushed it all away to catch two boys."

His gaze softened.

"Then I realized why I was so pissed. I could've done something. I could've been there but - I....The truth is, no matter how much it happens, I'll never get used to losing you."

"Levi..." he sighed.

"You're so reckless, sometimes it's admirable and sometimes It's infuriating. You drive me crazy and..."

I had just noticed how close he was leaning towards me, a little more and-

"Ma'am, civilians aren't allowed in the infirmary right now-" we parted and looked to the door.

"My sister's in there! You will let me see her! you bet your skinny flat ass I'm going in there! Even if it means I get locked up for it!" We moved away at the sound of Sarah.

"I can't let anyone in, I'm sorry."

"You're doing your best and...i respect that but, my sister is the only family that I have other than my father in law. I learned that she died and now I know she's alive and...and I really need to see her. Just for a few minutes?"

The door opened and I felt tears blur my vision at the sight of Sarah running over to us.

Levi removed his hand from mine and got up, moving out of the way.

"Are you crazy? Do you know how much you scared us? How careless!" She then spotted the tubes attatched to me and calmed slightly. But i could see her misty eyes and quivering lip.

"I'm sorry" she let her tears flow and she smiled.

"Just promise me that You'll be more careful. I know you can't promise me survival but...promise You'll do your best. You have so many people that love you." I nodded.

"I don't want to lose them for anything."

"Good. Anyway, I brought over some goodies but I'm not sure what you are or aren't allowed to eat. Keep the basket. I'll come visit tomorrow. With the commander so those idiots you call nurses will let me in." her smile melted from her face as she glanced at levi.

"Keep her safe." He gave a curt nod and she marched out just as the Nurse approached to change my dressings.

I bit my lip at the sight of the huge gash across my abdomen.

That's going to scar.

I looked to the Raven haired man and he gave a small awkward smile.

"You should get some rest. Erwin will be here soon..."

"So, we're not going to talk anymore about-"

"You don't need any more excitement. You should sleep. doctors orders"

"Can I have a look at-" he moved the basket away.

"I'll tell Erwin to bring up soup if You're hungry. This is mainly desserts." I pouted at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Stop acting like a spoilt brat."

"That sweet side didn't last too long, did it?" He smirked.

"be a good girl and it'll come back." I blushed and he moved my hair from my face.

"If You're not going to sleep, at least try to stay calm and take your pills." He pecked my cheek and turned, I took his wrist making him stop and look at me.

I felt my cheeks flush as I looked down.

"Im sorry for making you all worry." he huffed out a small laugh as he turned to face me.

"You're not the one who needs to apologise for that." he said with a small edge to his voice and resentment glinting in his eyes.

I released his wrist.

"do you promise that we'll talk about this when I'm better?" he calmed and nodded with a ghost of a smile dancing on his lips.

"looking forward to it."

"looking forward to... What exactly?" we jumped.

"Erwin!" I exclaimed as I placed a hand over my heart with surprise.

"a bit of warning first, shitstain! She's already fragile as it is!" Erwin sighed.

"you're right. How are you holding up, y/n?"

"pain meds still haven't worn off, I feel okay just a tad tired. How long will I be in bed for?"

"a few weeks at least."

"I'm sorry, I must be hearing things. A few weeks?! I have work to do, training and-"

"and you nearly died. You need to build your strength back up and with your stitches, you won't be able to do any training or major work. You need to recover."

I sunk back into my pillows. He's right, of course. Ive been through a traumatic experience both physically and mentally. It's going to take time to recover.

" please don't pout, it's for the best. " Erwin said, taking levi's seat.

" I'll see you in the morning, y/n." I nodded and he left with the basket of sweet treats.

Erwin smirked knowingly. I weakly hit his knee.

"how long has he been saying your name? "

"ugh. Do you have to be this annoying right now?"

"youre lucky it wasn't hanji that was in here. She'd be planning the wedding." Erwin smiled wistfully. Now it's my turn to smirk.

"okay, spill it."

"spill what?" I quirked a brow and he chuckled nervously.

"oh... That. Well, you understand she was my date to the Kings ball and... It just... Happened after that."

"did you-"

"if I don't get to ask questions then you don't get to ask questions. Besides, you need to rest." I opened my mouth to protest but his glare shut me up.

I sighed and pulled the blanket up, attempting to get comfortable with the wires and the rediculously uncomfortable bed.

Sleep soon welcomed me with open arms.

" We-We had would've seen us c-coming!" I stared at the two of their guilty faces and then down at my blood soaked shirt and the cuts and scrapes down my arms.

"I thought you were good guys. I thought..."

"it's just like you to get stabbed in the back for seeing the best in people." I glanced up with teary eyes.

"hey, it's okay. Let's wipe those eyes so I can get a good look at you." he whispered, drying my face with the sleeve of his shirt.

"I miss you." he smiled with gleaming eyes and wrapped his arms around me.

"I miss you too. Take care of my little girl for me."


"goodbye, y/n. I'll see you on the other side, yeah?"

I awoke with a jolt and immediately hissed, clutching my side.

"are you okay?" Erwin was by my side in an instant.

I sniffed and wiped the tears away.

"I'm fine. Probably shouldn't have moved so fast."

The Saviour (levi ackerman x reader) Where stories live. Discover now