Chapter 29: Seer

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I sighed as Hange guided me to a seat and handed over a glass of water.

"Have you ever tried meditation, y/n?"

"No. Ive always got cadets fighting or im too busy with paperwork to try. I thought you had a plan to-"

"I'm getting to it. Did you ever try it before?" I shook my head.

"My thoughts were too scrambled from trying to remember everything." She nodded quietly and wrote it down.

"So you've never really tried to have a vision of the future?"

"Oh, I've tried I just...tried to think really hard?" Hange snorted and shook her head.

"Let me guess, you were stressed and couldn't focus your thoughts? Let's try, close your eyes, take deep breaths and...think of Levi."

"Why levi?"

"You have a strong connection to him and would be more focused when its him, right? If possible just think of a near future." I nodded and closed my eyes.

I thought of Levi's strong expression, his eyes of steel and the way they slightly soften at the sight of those he cares for. I thought about the way he styles his hair and the quirk of his lips when he talks to me. My heart rapidly thumped in my chest as I focused on him until I felt a warmth fill my chest.

The stench of blood and screams of allies were all around as I tried to soak In the vision.

"Since the day I met you, I knew you'd be a pain in my ass," levi wiped his eyes as he looked at me with blood and bruises painting his face.

"I am one person. This is humanity's survival that we're fighting for! I'm not worth more than-" levis eyes, I could see the tears welling behind them as he argued.

"You are to me!" His gaze turned pleading as he took my hands.

"Please. Please. I can't lose anyone else, I won't," His voice broke as he pleaded"I won't lose you too."

A rush of cold water being dumped over my head brought me from the vision gasping and coughing with surprise.

"What did you see? Get too excited by-"

"There's a battle. It was huge and there were people dying all around us."

"You didn't see..."

"No levi was alive. A bit bloody and bruised but he was fine. It looks like I chose to sacrifice myself. Something about it being the only way." The scientists face paled as she took my hands.

"You should rest. I'll tell erwin about it and-"

"But I don't know how far away it is! Or where ,for that matter." I answered, just as shocked as she was.

"You can try to recollect it another time. But not yet. You need to try slow and get used to the visions. I'll let you discuss what you saw with levi." I bit my lip as she let my hands go, slumping back.

"I don't think I can."

"It's your choice to make but...if I can say one thing. You're both so open with each other now, I'd hate to see you push levi away.".

"But what he doesn't know won't hurt him."

"That's bullshit! Y/n. The more minds we have working on understanding this vision heightens the chance of your survival."

"In my vision I said it was me or humanity. I was so certain. What if there really is no other way?"

"There is always another way. However, in the off chance that there isnt, you need to tell him Y/n. Sooner rather than later. In the meantime we're going to do everything in our power to find an answer. A better outcome." I nodded, the knots in my stomach subsiding slightly. 

Doubt was still seeping through but I have to remain optimistic. For them.

"Okay. But I'm going to try again at seeing that vision better. Hopefully I'll start seeing more."

"Don't do it alone. And make sure whoever is with you is prepared with a bucket. You got so deep into that vision that I couldn't pull you out without it." I nodded and she relaxed, an easy smile playing on her lips.

"You might wanna take my jacket and get back to your room to dry off and change shirt." I grabbed hard jacket quickly and shrugged it on, wrapping it around myself quickly.

"No words to levi. I want to tell him once I learn more from this vision. If I tell him now, it'll change the outcome. I need to keep this tightly guarded, Hange." She nodded with a sigh and smiled.

"Okay. But please, be careful and know that no matter what, we're always going to be here for you. " I nodded and left the office, my stomach was in knots as I hurried to the shared office. Relief washed over me at the sight of it being empty as I leaned against the door.

A million thoughts were running through my head as I glanced around with the sting of tears as I thought of what lies ahead.

"Y/n?" I jumped and wiped my eyes as I looked to the open bathroom door to find levi dressed and towel drying his hair.

"Hi." I mused, my heart slowed at the sight of his warm gaze.

"Sit down. I'll get you a drink."

"What?" I questioned as he opened the liquor drawer of his desk.

"I always need a drink after talking to that idiot. Besides...looks like you could do with one. Im not going to ask pry. I know you'll tell me when youre ready." I nodded and slumped onto the sofa, allowing myself to melt into its plush cushions.

Wordlessly, Levi handed me a glass and sat beside me with his own. The silence was comforting as I took a silent sip of the smooth whiskey.

"How did it go? I take it Hange is the reason youre soaked." I nodded.

"It went well though I can't pull myself out of the vision. Until I can, someone has to be with me for every attempt. And be armed with water because apparently shouting isn't good enough." Levi smirked and sipped his drink.

"I'll happily help."

"You just want to throw water on me and ruin my shirts."

"Who said you had to wear-" I nudged the man's side as he let out a quiet laugh.

"So the real motive for helping me is revealed!" I exclaimed as he snaked his free arm around me, pulling my body closer to his.

"Whatever that vision was, I'll help you through it. Hell, I'd walk through fire, over burning coals if I had to." I blinked and smiled up to him.

"You're right. We'll find a way."

"We always do."

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