Chapter 24

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Ivy  POV

All I see is blood, the once white-themed wedding party is now colored red. I see dead pack members, some I've known my whole life, some who knew my parents their whole lives. And some who had their whole lives ahead of them.

The last time I saw this much blood, This much death, was when I witnessed my mom die right in front of me. During the last rogue attack, my family fought bravely. I and Josh were only 14 but he was able to kill fully-grown werewolves.

Part of me wants to break down and cry and mourn the mate I just lost or the friends and family members who just died, but another part of me wants revenge. I want to see the life of my enemies disappear by my hands.

I stop in my tracks seeing Joshua getting attacked by three wolves. I transformed into my wolf to help my brother. I leaped and caught a wolf with my mouth instantly tasting the metallic taste of blood. I started scratching and biting anything in my way.

I'm not a fighting wolf nor have been in many hand-to-hand combats. My witch side doesn't like the thought of living things being hurt but all I can see is red. Red from anger, Red from blood, and Red for the loss of my other half.

Once I knew the wolf under me was dead I looked up to see Josh finishing off the other two wolves.

"JOSHY WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" I scream at my brother using the nickname I gave him when I was a child.

"What are you doing here? Where's Lucy and Caleb?" Josh asked frantically.

How was I supposed to tell him our mate died?

"Josh we have to go, Caleb has members hiding in the pack house, me and Sean are looking for more members to bring back," I explained leaving out the fact that Lucy is gone.

"No I have to stay, the rogues are retreating but there is still some hell-bent on killing every member of our pack!" Josh said angrily.

"Then I'm staying with you, I will not lose any more family members!" I said leaving no room for discussion.

"Let's go then," Josh said grabbing my hand and leading me to where we heard another battle.

"Oh, my Goddess!" I yelled seeing our current alpha dead with a rogue clawing at his face.

Josh let go of my hand to attack the wolf while I ran to Jacob helping him defeat the rogue who had the upper hand.

While I was clawing at the rogue's neck Jacob was covering my back. We're back to back fighting off the remaining rogues. I looked up to see Dean fighting against a very large wolf.

Once the wolf pinned Dean I hurried to surprise attack him. I ran and pushed the rogue off Dean giving Dean enough time to rip the rogue throat blood splattered all over his face.

The sight of the blood forced a memory of my mom to enter my head. It was like I was in a trance watching my mom die right in front of me, again, and again, and again.

"Ivy! Ivy! Snap out of it." Dean said shaking me out of my thoughts.

I started focusing on Dean and the blood that coated his fur, it was just like my vision. I saw this, I saw the rogue's attack weeks before it happened.

I could have prevented this, I could've saved so many lives if I just told what I saw instead of being afraid. This is all my fault, the blood of my pack members is on my hands.

"Dean I-"

"AHHHHHHH" before I could tell Dean about my vision we heard Jacob scream.

I look over to see a wolf viciously attack Jacob. I and Dean run to help him, Dean got there first attacking the rogue. I turned back to my human self to examine Jacob.

He had deep gashes all over his torso, and his heart was still beating but his breath was shallow, and he was unconscious.

"I have to take him to the pack house, he's dying" I screamed to Dean once he killed the rogue. I scoop Jacob up and ran to the pack house. I don't know where I got the strength to carry 230 pounds of mussels, but as I said, I refuse to lose my family.

This is all my fault, the loss of Lucy, the loss of the current alpha, and the harm to my dearest friend. 'Please Goddess let him live's prayed as I headed to the pack house.'

'And Goddess, please let me survive so I can seek my revenge on Delilah.' I prayed once more.


Damn, what did Delilah do?

Sorry, this is short and way overdue. I lost 100 followers on TikTok because I was taking a break to write this story.

Don't worry I got them back but it took A LOT of hours of me making videos. But I'm back at 11K

Anywhere thank you for reading commenting and voting ♥️♥️♥️ y'all mean so much to me.

And thank you to the one person who helped me pick out the POV for this chapter. I didn't know who was the best character to tell what the battle was like but I think Ivy did a great job and some insides of past battles and her witch abilities.

Also, Lucy was both Ivy and Joshua's mate.

Yes, Ivy and Joshua and twins, and both had Lucy as a mate. The difference is Ivy Is Aromantic and Ace-sexual so their mate bond was completely platonic. While Joshua and Lucy had a normal mating relationship

- Queen

Good Enough Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora