Chapter 27

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Dean POV

"Dean, wait!" Chris yelled gaining my attention

I turned to face him and I raised my brow in a questioning manner.

"We need to talk," Chris said in a low voice.

I grabbed his shoulder bringing him to my dad"s office ignoring the emotions this place caused me to have. All the good and bad times I had in this room caused a single tear to stray from my eye. I quickly wiped it away, turning away from my dad's desk.

"how did we not see this coming?" Chris asked, releasing a sign.

"I honestly don't know, maybe my dad was distracted by the wedding? but that doesn't sound right, he was a hard ass and worked 24/7. he didn't stop working even on holidays. How could he not pick this up?" I asked.

There was no way my father wouldn't know if a group of rogues was coming to attack us. Rogues are often unorganized and act on impulse, The last rogue attack was almost a decade ago, Chris lost his parents, and Josh and ivy lost their mom. My dad swore that would never happen again, he set up treaties with neighboring packs, and he even set up treaties with some well-established rogues who were supposed to warn us if they even heard a whisper of an attack on our pack.

"I've been thinking." Chris said stopping for what I assume was a dramatic effect.

"Thinking what?" I asked, not in the mood for theatrics.

"What if someone we know orchestrated the attack?" Chris asked, making me frown.

"Think about it, this wasn't any ordinary attack, these rogues were organized. They fought like they had a mission, a goal to accomplish other than coming to kill just for the hell of it, they fought like they were a pack, and they fought together. Rogue attacks are nothing like that, it's often every man for themselves." Chris said, making me think about the attack.

Chris is right, this wasn't a regular rogue attack. Normally rogues' only goal is to kill, steal and destroy. They only care about chaos and their next meal.

"Do you have any idea who would order the hit?" I asked Chris since he worked closely with my father as a beta. Since Chris's parents were deceased my dad didn't wait until Chris was mated for him to assume the role of Beta. My dad was best friends with Chris's dad and wouldn't replace Chris with anyone out of respect for his father. So Chris has been the beta of the pack since he was 18.

"No I don't, I know your dad was receiving letters from the rogues. We have treaties warning us of a possible threat but they stopped coming, never confirming who the threat could be." Chris said, sitting down on the couch my dad had in his office.

He brought that couch for me, I never wanted to leave my dad's office without him tucking me into bed and since my dad was always working he made a compromise. I'll just sleep down here with him. He said it helped him with his work because he would look over and see my drooling face,

Tears pooled in my eye waiting to be shed. Chris stood bringing me into a hug. I hugged back now sobbing loudly. I lost my father and my younger sister today, and Goddess knows where my mother was.

"You will get through this Dean," Chris said lowly as I felt tears drop on my shoulder, chris must've been crying as well.

"how do you know? I lost most of my family today!" I replied anger lacing my voice.

"I know because ill be there to help, just like you helped me," Chris said, holding my face in his hands and looking me in my eyes. I felt the intensity he was portraying. He's my best friend but he's also my brother, I don't want to be without him.

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