Chapter 2

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Caleb POV

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing "ugh why did I agree to this." I thought as I turned my alarm off. I got up and looked at the time and saw that it was 5:30 A.M. I went to the bathroom groggy and started my usual morning routine.

Once I was done, I went to the kitchen and saw my brother already up; eating breakfast. "What are you doing up this early?" he asked with a mouth full of bacon.

"I promised Joshua I'll help him train the new hunters," I said while I started munching on some toast.

"Why would you agree to that, what happened to you not wanting a job in the pack?" my brother asked grinning like a madman.

He's been wanting me to get more involved with the pack, but why would I get attached to people when I'm going to die in a year?

"I agreed because I knew you asked Joshua to ask me and therefore knew I couldn't say no". I said staring at him so he knew I knew what he was up to.

"How do you always figure out all my schemes before they even happen? " he asked looking dumbfounded.

I just got up and grabbed my jacket while heading toward the front door completely ignoring his question. Chris has been trying to get me out of my 'depression' for the last two years. I can't be mad at him for wanting his happy little brother back, but I wish he stop trying to 'fix me' there's no fixing broken unwanted things.

He just thinks I'm sad because I haven't found my mate. I didn't bother telling him the truth, I know my brother loves me but could he stand by me knowing his alpha rejected me? He's the beta of the pack and dean's best friend of course he'll disown me, if the other half of my soul can reject me then my brother can hate me too. I just don't want to see that look of disgust on my brother's face. The same look Dean had when he rejected me as his mate.

Once I reached the training Field I was already dreading the day. I spotted Joshua sparing with a younger pack member and when I tell you I almost went into heat just watching him.

He was shirtless and sweat was dripping from his mocha chest. How am I supposed to get any training done if he was going to walk around shirtless all day? I know I have a mate, but Joshua is different he always brought this side of me out. When I was young and dumb I thought he was my mate.

I know when he found his mate Lucy the current alpha daughter she was very happy. It must suck for him that she's two states away in college with his twin sister ivy.

Once he had the younger pack member on the ground ready to submit to him, he finally noticed me and jogged up with a blinding smile that hurts to look at too long. I had to turn and look at the ground so he wouldn't catch me drooling over his 8 pack that I just want to run my tou-

"I'm so happy you could make it Caleb," josh said pulling me from a very bad train of thought.

"Well, you know me I'm always happy to help," I said sarcastically. Joshua must have picked up on my sour mood because his next sentence was

"I told Chris this wasn't going to work but, he can be quite annoying when he needs something". I couldn't help nodding my head in agreement. Who could disobey an order from their beta?

Josh started going over the schedule for today when that delicious smell hit my senses. I looked over and spotted my mate walking the grounds with Delilah on his arm. I couldn't help my staring, they just look so beautiful together. Her red hair was laid flawlessly over her shoulder. His blond hair shined in the sunlight. I could understand why the pack members believed that they were mates.

Delilah came to our pack about 2 months after Dean rejected me, and it was pretty much love at first sight for them. Delilah's mate died when they were kids so she believes that Dean is her second mate, Dean told everyone that his mate was Delilah, and to avoid any suspicion they are to be married soon so Dean can finally be alpha with Delilah as his Luna.

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