Cut Scenes Pt2

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2. Spending time with dio.... More like collecting stand users

Today dio decided that he'll dedicate all his time to you, he didn't want you to think of him as a stranger... Even though sometimes you do.

He woke up and got his clothes on.... If you want to call them clothes then whatever, he fixed his hair and then went up to your crib, you were sleeping so peacefully

He picked you up carefully and you stirred a bit and then opened your eyes.

"good morning my beautiful daughter" he said and he kissed your forehead, you yawned a bit and then looked at him.

"today we're gonna spend some time together, what do you say?" he asked and you in response, you sneezed

"I'll take that as a yes" he said, he changed your diaper and put some clothes on you.

"we'll go outside, I need some stand users so I can be stronger and so I can protect you better" he said and he gave you your plushy

He picked you up and walked out of the room and soon out of the house, it was around 10pm

You two walked around Cairo until he stopped.

"I sense a stand user... Let's go" he said and stopped time, he let you somewhere and told you to stay still, but you didn't.

"what about we play hide and seek? You stay here and I'll go somewhere to start counting when you hear me say 'now' you can go and hide alright?" he said and you nodded excitedly.

He left and you stayed there, you soon got distracted and started playing with your plushy.

It was around 2 minutes later when he came back but not alone.

He had a silver haired man with him.

"let's not play now, we can play when we get back home" he said as he picked you up

"follow me" he said to the man and the man nodded

"you're not going back to France, you'll stay here and when I'll need you I'll send someone to get you, understood?" dio asked and the man nodded.

"good" dio said and he grinned

~Time skip brought to you by king crimson's mini face~

You were once again outside with your father, this time you were a bit older.

"let's play hide and seek ok?" he said

"ok!" you said

"I'll start counting, make sure to hide somewhere near here and don't go any further away... OK, 1, 2"he started saying and you run off

You quickly hid and waited, around 3 minutes later he found you, he was again not alone, this time he was with a boy, he seemed young and he had red hair.

"who is he?" you asked.

"no one you need to know, just a friend of mine that will help me with something" he said and you nodded

"you have many friends now! Will I have many friends too?" you asked.

"you will have as many friends as you want" he said and you clapped your hands together.

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