What If Pt38

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38. What if dio died when you were a few days old, holly took you in and just Jonathan being a great father to you?also Jonathan can be seen by everyone

The crusaders were shocked upon finding out that dio had a child and that because of you, Jonathan could be seen by his descendants.

So because they couldn't leave you like that, they took you with them to Japan and after that Holly decided to take you in, at first she was excited to take care of you but then she saw that Jonathan was always taking care of you, she just went to buy the stuff you needed, but she wasn't complaining, Jonathan didn't have the chance to be a father because dio killed him, and now that you exist and you're also his half daughter, he will take care of you and raise you like he would if he had lived to meet his son.

"ok, your food is ready so please don't cry, here" he said as he picked you up and then started to feed you, you immediately stopped and started drinking your milk.

When you were done he placed the bottle down and put you on his shoulder and started to lightly hit your back, after a while you let out a burp and Jonathan smiled, he then placed you down and got up

"let's see, what are you going to wear today?" he said as he looked through your onesies, he ended up taking out one with flowers on it, he then changed your diaper and dressed you.

"you look so cute with this onesie!" he said as he picked you up, he then left the room and went to the living room.

"alright we're here!" Jonathan said

"finally!" Holly said and then looked at you.

"aw she looks so cute!" Holly said.

"I know!! I was debating on this onesie and another one with a butterfly pattern, but this one seemed a bit better since it's springtime and the flowers are blooming" Jonathan said.

".... How much of a big idiotic father are you? You're literally fangirling over a onesie" Jotaro said.

"you'll understand when you'll have a child" Jonathan said, after that him and Holly were talking about what other clothes would look great on you.

"since the times have changed a lot since I died and technology has advanced, what about we do a little photoshoot, in the yard! With the clothes we love the most on her!?" Jonathan said and Holly quickly agreed

"we have some beautiful flowers that have grown in the yard, I watered them today and they look very beautiful! We should take advantage of it and do the photoshoot today!" holly said.

"great! Jotaro hold her for a bit, I will go and grab some clothes for her!" Jonathan said as he handed you to Jotaro, Jotaro looked confused as he saw Jonathan run off, holly following behind to go and find a camera.

"what the heck just happened?" Jotaro asked and then he looked down at you.

"what's so special about a photoshoot with a baby? I'm starting to feel bad about you to be honest" he said.

After that all of you went outside and the photoshoot began.

"we need to make copies of them! She looks so adorable!!" Holly said, Jotaro was just watching at what was going on and the only thing he thought was... What the fuck?

So the months passed very quickly and you grew up into one energetic baby.

"(y/n)!!! Please don't crawl away while being naked!! You'll catch a cold!! How can you even crawl away that fast!?!?!?" Jonathan questioned as he chased after you to get you dressed, meanwhile you were giggling a lot, you thought it was a game.

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