Cut Scenes Pt24

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24. Just father and daughter time with Jonathan (age 7)

Jonathan had asked you one day if you wanted the two of you to have some father-daughter time together for a whole day and you agreed.

So the next day you woke up got ready, ate breakfast and then the two of you left.

"so, where do you want to go first?" he asked you.

"I don't.... Maybe the aquarium" you said.

"that's a great idea, let's go!" he said and you both made your way towards the aquarium.

When you got there you started looking at the smaller fishes and after that you went to the biggest.

"this one Is so pretty" you said as you looked at a fish that had a zebra pattern on it.

"look at that one right there, it's purple" he said and you looked at it.

"let's go and see more" he said and you both went away.

"look, it's a squid!" you said and he laughed.

"you got it wrong, that's an octopus" he said.

"and how can you tell the difference?" you asked him

"the octopus has 8 tentacles and a big head, a squid has a pointy head" he said and you nodded

"let's go right over there and see the starfishes" he said and you both went over there, you could touch them too so you lightly poked them, nothing more.

While doing so you noticed the people around you, you looked at them, you either saw parents with their kids or siblings together... You wished you had a sibling.

"hey.. Why are you like that?" Jonathan asked you

"sometimes I wish I had a sibling, to spend some time with, it's not cool being an only child" you said

"oh..... You know, dio wasn't the most faithful person alive, so you might have a sibling out there, but it's not sure, besides do you really need a sibling? From some old friends that I had they always complained that having a sibling sucked, you might be lucky to not have a sibling, maybe the only thing you need is a friend" he said

"maybe..." you said.

"come on, let's continue the day!" he said and you nodded.

For hours you wondered around looking at the different sea creatures, after you two were done looking at the sea creatures you both went to eat.

"This restaurant is amazing, it has food from many places... Do you want to try a bit from everything?" Jonathan asked you and you nodded

He ordered Italian food, Asian food and Greek food.

First you ate the Italian food, it was carbonara, not the American version with the heavy cream, it was the original one.

"it's really good" you said as you ate, he laughed as you reminded him from when he was younger.

Then it was Asian food, he took a few stuff from all over Asia.

"it's hot!" you said and then drank some water.

"it is a bit spicy" Jonathan said.

Then it was the greek food, he decided to order the most famous thing in Greece.

"what is that?" you asked him

"I think it's called... Gyros? Yeeros? I don't know how to pronounce it, in the menu it said its the most popular food there, you're also supposed to eat it with your hands but let's not get messy right now" he said and you nodded, by the end of your dinner you were full but you had to keep a bit of room for the dessert.

"this is the last thing we'll eat, cheesecake" he said and you nodded, you both ate your dessert and you were officially full.

"I can't move" you said and he laughed.

"don't worry, I'll carry you home" he said, after a while he payed and the two of you left, as he promised, he carried you home.

"welcome home you two, how was the father - daughter day?" holly asked.

"it was amazing, but we ate a lot so now we're full" Jonathan said.

"I can see it" she said as she laughed.

"I ate a lot... Now I want to sleep" you said.

"first you need to digest the food, then you'll go to sleep, we're watching a movie in the living room, join us until you feel better" holly said and you nodded, so you all went to the living room and sat there to watch the movie.

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