What If Pt48

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48. What if you can see dead people around the people that are alive? Jonathan doesn't count

One summer day, you were maybe 2 years old, you started seeing people that others couldn't, they weren't like your friend? They were transparent.

At first you always saw a man and a woman, those two were always fighting, the man was very ugly, he would also sometimes yell at you but you would tell him bad words, it's not like he would touch you. The woman on the other hand was very nice, she would play with you and call you 'my precious grandchild' it always confused you.

Sometimes they would fight about your father, she would blame the man that it was his fault that he turned like this, some other times she would blame herself.

You grew very tired of their fighting so when they started fighting you would leave.

Then there was this other man, he was dressed well, he kinda looked like your friend, he was smiling at you a lot but when your father got in the room he would be sad about something.

One day you were playing in your room when three people appeared, it was two guys and a woman, you looked at them confused and then you continued playing, they would talk and say how much you looked like Jonathan, the first time they said that you turned to them and said something

"friend?" you said, it kinda shocked them, they said the name again and you happily said friend, they didn't know how you knew Jonathan and you called him your friend.

One day you were sitting with dio and you decided to tell him.

"papa, I think I'm seeing people" you said and he looked at you, he got up and grabbed a book and sat back down

"continue" he said.

"they always visit me, some of them are fighting each other, some of them are always nice to me, and some of them are very angry when you enter the room or sad" you said, he was gonna say that you have schizophrenia but it seemed like the people you were seeing knew him

"what else do they say?" he asked.

"one of them is always calling me her precious grandchild" you said.

"precious.... Grandchild?" he asked and you nodded, that day he decided to drop the case and never talk about it.

When the day arrived and Dio died everyone stayed with you, you didn't know why, at some point Jonathan got in the room and he was shocked by what he saw, the others were shocked too, everyone went to hug him but they went right past him, they all were sad.

After that Jonathan told you to follow him, when you arrived to were you two went you saw some people, four of them were apparently dead and they were transparent.

"you can see them too right?" you whispered to Jonathan and he nodded

"what happened?" Joseph asked.

"I need you all to promise you won't get scared" Jonathan said, meanwhile the ghosts were catching up.

"we promise" Joseph said.

"she can see dead people, they're different from how I am" Jonathan said

"what!? How many of them are they?" Polnareff asked.

"a lot" you said

"are they close to us?" Joseph asked and you nodded.

"they're your family or friends... Oh, one of them is attached to him" you said as you pointed to Polnareff and he screamed.

"I think she said she's your sister" you said and he stopped.

"sherry?" he asked and you nodded... Well he began to cry.

"one of them called you a stinky old man" you told Joseph.

"I already know it was probably ceasar" he said and he scoffed, ceasar laughed.

"shouldn't we go?" Jotaro asked and everyone nodded.

Almost a day later you all arrived to Japan, you got to meet Holly and she was nice to you, they decided that you were going to stay with her and Jotaro, you didn't say no because she was very nice.

Days passed and you were playing outside, Jonathan was looking at you from your doorway as you played.

"so you're just going to be stalking her?" he heard dio say, he turned around quickly and looked at him

"what are you doing here?" Jonathan asked him

"I'm here to see my child" dio said as he got up.

"dio wait do-" Jonathan started saying but dio cut him off.

"oh please shut up" dio said and he started making his way outside.

"dio listen to me!" Jonathan said as he followed him

"not now" dio said and he got out, when he got out you looked at him, you smiled and as he got closer you saw that he was transparent...... Oh no, did your father die?..... Yep, he's dead, your smile dropped and Dio saw that.

"what happened?" he asked you, you began to cry and you run to your room.

"jojo what did you do to her!?!?" dio asked Jonathan

"I tried to stop you!! We haven't told her anything yet!! She's didn't know that you're dead!" Jonathan said.

"then what were you waiting for??!?!??" dio yelled.

"we couldn't bring ourselves and tell her 'hey, your dad is dead, deal with it' we had to somehow prepare her!! But you got here and ruined everything!" Jonathan yelled back

"then I need to talk to her and tell her that I died" dio said.

"about that, we were thinking of telling her that you died from an accident, we didn't want to tell her what happened, think of it as a good thing, she won't know what kind of person you were and why the others killed you" Jonathan said and Dio groaned.

"fine!" dio said and he walked to your room and got inside, he saw you there crying, he sat down on your bed and you looked at him.

"why did you leave me?" you asked him.

"I didn't intend on leaving you behind, it happened suddenly" he said.

"how did it happen?" you asked him

"... I was going back home from my business, I was on the ship when it suddenly exploded.... You don't want to know the rest" he said

"why didn't you stay home? Why did you have to go to that business?" you asked him

"it was very important, and it would make us live better than we did before" he said, you began to cry again, he tried to hug you but nothing happened, he sighed and stayed there watching you cry, it hurt him a lot

You were like that for days, but you soon got over it... Not very soon but you tried.

As you grew more Jonathan and Dio were talking about if they should tell you about what dio did, they eventually told you, you were shocked and hurt, it took you a while but you got over it.

"dad!! Tell papa to not wake me up this early again! It's only 7am!" you said

"why did you wake her up at 7am?it's too early" Jonathan asked dio

"because we need to start the day of early!" dio said, you and Jonathan looked at him.

"I'm going back to sleep" you said

"yeah, you can go to sleep" Jonathan said.

"you're spoiling her too much!" dio said

"no I'm not" Jonathan said.

"father isn't spoiling her at all, she needs sleep so she can grow" George II said, dio groaned and walked away

Well that was your life from now on, seeing dead people I guess 🤷‍♀️

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