What If Pt15

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15. What if your mother escaped and you instead grew up with her?

Your mother run as fast as she could, finally escaping from Dio's whorehou- I mean Dio's mansion.

She didn't hesitate to take the first airplane and leave Egypt, even if she was born and raised there she didn't want to be in danger anymore, she didn't want to be found.

She decided to fly to Japan since she had relatives there.

When she arrived there they started asking her questions and were genuinely worried about her.

"one night I was having fun with my friends and we got drunk, so we made our way to my house but halfway through there we met a guy, he was beautiful and very charming so... I did the deed with him but I didn't expect afterwards that he would hold me hostage so I could be his next meal, he said he was a vampire, so after a few days I managed to escape and now I'm here, I don't think he'll find me here" she said.

About a month later she found out about your existence, she didn't know how to feel, in the end she decided to keep you and raise you.

When you were born she was shocked to see that your hair didn't match her hair or Dio's hair, instead it was blue, but your eyes were the same with Dio's.

She thought that maybe you took it after an ancestor of his or something, nonetheless she loved you with all her heart.

"your baby is very healthy, but she has a very unique birthmark" the nurse said as she gave you to your mother.

"her father has the same one" your mother said.

Now that you were born she had to be more careful, she didn't want dio to find out about you, what if he stole you from her or he decided to kill you? She didn't want that to happen.

One day, when you were around 1-2 years old, you two were at the park, she took you out there to get fresh air and to play a bit with each other, she placed you down on your feet and walked a bit further away from you and told you to go over to her

You started walking up to her until you sensed someone... Like you were linked to him in some way, you looked over and saw an old man with someone who looked like his daughter and her son, your mother still told you to go up to her but instead you started walking towards them, your mother immediately got up and started walking fast to catch up to you but she was late, you had already tugged on the old man's pants, he looks around and then down until he saw you, your mother came up to you and picked you up.

"sorry, my daughter is still working on her walking, sorry if she bothered you!" your mother said as she apologized

"oh don't worry, it's fine! Your daughter is so adorable" the old man said as he pinched your cheek and you laughed

"yeah, she the best daughter I could ever ask for" she said

"did she got the looks from her father?" the woman asked.

"well, only the eyes, about the hair color, I don't know were she got it from, maybe an ancestor of his" your mother said

Your mother and them talked for a bit until it was time to go home and eat

"it was nice to talk to you, have a nice day!" your mother said as she waved at them and then left while holding you.

When you were 3 years old, you run up to your mother while she was making you food to tell her something.

"mom! My friend wants to tell you something!" you told her and she looked at you confused

"he told me to give you this letter that he wrote since he can't speak to you and because you can't see him" you said as you held out the letter and then left, when she was done with the food she opened the letter and started reading.

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