What If Pt85

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What If no one accepted you? Like dio, the joestars and even Jonathan? Maybe giorno too?

When you were born dio was not happy at all

"look at how hideous she looks?!?!? With this stupid blue hair!! I want to have nothing with her!" dio yelled as one of his loyal followers held you

You were mainly taken care of by one maid, she pitied you and she actually cared for you when others didn't, she only did that because she couldn't have kids of her own.

While growing up you always wondered, why was she the only one that cared? Why didn't your father care? It actually made you very sad and always cry.

One day you had enough and went to dio to speak to him

"why don't you love me? I'm your child so why don't you care about me?" you asked, dio was pissed by your audacity

"you wanna know? Okay, you'll know. I don't care about you because of who you're related to! I don't love you and I never will! You're not my child and I'm not your father! The fact that you still live here is because of that maid that pitied you!!!" dio said... Well you didn't expect anything else but it still hurt you a lot.

Soon dio died, but before that day you lost a mother figure. Dio had called you to see him for once, he also didn't know your name, you got in the library and stood in front of him.

"that woman that was Taking care of you left, she finally got pregnant and left, that's for you, read it here" dio said as he threw a letter at you, you picked it up and read it.

'I'll get to the point, I used you to fill that empty void I had since I thought I couldn't have a child, now that I am finally pregnant I'll leave you so I can take care of my real child' you were crushed, you had her as your mother so why did she betray you like that? You started crying but dio felt Nothing, he walked past you and left.

The next day he died, you didn't know what happened to the house, you were scared and alone, you then saw a bunch of men enter the house and they saw you too.

They started asking questions and then they figured out who you were, when they did they were disgusted.

"what is going on here?" Jonathan asked them

"dio had fun way to much and created... Her, so that means she's unfortunately part of our family too" Joseph said

You were a part of a family? That made you a bit happy, but as always you got crushed again

"she's not part of the family, the only people that are part of MY family are the ones that me and my wife created... Me and my wife did not create her, she's a living sin that dio created" Jonathan said... So now you were sad all over again

"let's go, we need to see how Holly is doing now" Jonathan said they left, you followed them

"what about me? What am I going to do? I'm all alone" you said

"figure it out" Jotaro said and they all left

why did no one love you? Why were you so... Unlovable? Why was everyone so mean to you.

And since that day you were living in the streets, and when you could you got a job and while working you got an education.

All those years that you were living in the streets you were wishing for your death, you were envious of the happy families. You were very bitter that everyone abandoned you when you needed them the most, you just wanted love and no one gave it to you.

When you were 15 you had the opportunity to go to a trip to Italy with your school, there your stand told you that you had a brother, so you dug some info and found him.

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