What If Pt45

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45.what if a stand gave you a child for while, like what If it just hit you and it appeared out of nowhere? (age 20)

"(y/n)!!! Get away from there!" Josuke yelled.

Before you could react the stand hit you.

"now I'll see what my stand can do!" the stand user said, after the smoke cleared they saw you were fine but then they saw two little kids.

"uhm... What?" you asked, the kids looked at you and smiled

"mama!!" they said.

"w-wait what?!? Mama!?" you asked.

"so my stand can give people kids? That's so useless!!" the stand user said

"well, you can't really use it for bad cause, you can use it for good cause, you can give families that can't have children naturally, you can give them kids" giorno said.

"maybe... My sister can't have kids, maybe I'll help her with my stand" the stand user said.

"can someone do something about my case right here!?!?" you asked.

"It'll wear off in a week, but if you want I can make it permanent" the stand said.

"no thanks!" you said, after a while the stand user left

"how are we gonna tell everyone what happened? They're expecting us for dinner right now" Josuke said

"we'll go and explain everything" you said.

"who are they?" the boy asked.

"well... Since I'm your mother, Josuke right here is your nephew I guess, and giorno is your uncle" you said.

"yay!!" they both said.

"I guess we should go now" giorno said and everyone started walking.

"how old are you two?" Josuke asked them

"we're 3!" they both said.

"Jonathan will freak but he will be happy I think" Josuke said.

"who's he?" the kids asked.

"your grandpa" giorno said

"yay!! Grandpa!" they both said.

After a while you all arrived there, you told the kids to wait outside and then you'll bring them over.

"attention please... I need to say something" you said and everyone looked at you.

"what is it?" Jonathan asked.

"so... We were up against a stand user and that stand user hit me and... Well..." you were a bit hesitant.

"I'll say it, that stand user made two kids appear and they are apparently (y/n's), that's his stand power, but it's not permanent, it'll wear off in a week" giorno said, everyone was shocked, Josuke left and brought them over

"that's them" you said, you didn't expect what happened next though, Jonathan started crying.

"is he alright?" the girl asked.

"that's your grandpa, he's just.... A crybaby" Josuke said, the kids run up to Jonathan and hugged him.

"t-this is the happiest day of my life!!" Jonathan said as he cried more

"ouch, my ears" you said

After a while everyone got to meet the kids

"we're going to exist if mama wants us, whenever she wants us" the boy said.

"for now, I'm too young for that, we'll see, we have time until then" you said

The rest of the day was spend with everyone paying attention to them, it wasn't that bad.

By the time it was bed time Jonathan said he was going to to put them to sleep so you agreed.

"if you're out grandpa then why aren't you old?" the boy asked.

"well you see, it's a little crazy... My situation I mean, I'm originally a spirit, I'm not alive but I'm here thanks to your mother" Jonathan said.

"... What happened to you?" the girl asked.

"a guy that I considered my brother killed me, I was sad about it because I couldn't see my family grow but now I'm not, because I'm here with everyone" Jonathan said.

"wow.... Is that guy gone now?" she asked.

"yep, it's been.... 16 years now that he's been dead" Jonathan said.

"anymore stories you have?" the boy asked.

"unfortunately no, and now you two need to go to sleep" Jonathan said and they both nodded he tucked them in and left.

"they're both just like you were when you were little, they have so much joy in them and energy too" Jonathan said

"don't get attached to them, by the end of the week they'll be gone since the stand's effects will wear off" you said

"yeah I know.... But they'll be back if you decide to have kids" he said and you sighed.

"I don't think I want to have any, they're too much work and I don't want to make a mistake.... I think I'm also not in the right place mentally" you said

"it's fine, it's your choice after" he said

"but if you want to remember them or something, Spend time with them, take pictures so you'll remember them if you want" you said and he smiled.

"alright I think it's time for you to go to sleep as well" he said and you got up, hugged him, told him good night and left.

You got in your room and saw them sleeping, you got in the bed silently and layed down, you looked at them and they were hugging each other in their sleep, you smiled a bit and then slept.

Jonathan was more than happy to spend time with the kids, they would play all day.

"you can't catch us!!!" they said as Jonathan chased them, you and giorno looked at them

"I'm definitely teaching them about the secrets of the mafia" he said and you looked at him

"you're not doing that" you said and he laughed, after a few minutes the kids run up to you two

"mama! Uncle giorno!! Help us get away!" they said and they hid behind you two

"you two did a mistake" giorno said and he picked them up and run towards Jonathan, you ended up chasing them so you could get the kids back.

You all spend those days having fun, when the time came for them to go everyone was sad, even you, they started dissappearing after they fell asleep.

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