Joker's Jester

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[this chapter has some mature themes in it.{pedophilia} Please be advised if it makes you uncomfortable feel free to skip this chapter, the mature content is marked.]


Over the course of the year Jess has fully committed to her role as Jokers brat. The goons are still confused about the whole situation, but do as Joker says regardless. Even if she isn't spared from his more angry outbursts, she's been hurt before and will most likely be hurt again.

There was a space of time when Joker was locked away in Arkham, this time was different though since he brought back Harley. She took a shining to Jess immediately and practically demanded Jess call her mama.

[Mature Content Warning!]

~Age 9~

Schooling was going well. At least until the goon that was assigned as her tutor decided to give an extra lesson. No one had noticed that her lessons had gone on a bit longer than they should until it was too late. Another goon had walked in on them and wasn't noticed, he had locked the door from the outside and immediately found Joker.

Joker was furious. When he walked into the room the goon was pulling his pants back up while Jess laid on the floor shell shocked and covered in blood and other bodily fluids. Her state of undress had the Joker beyond furious.

"You know, i don't like pedophiles. They're far more foul than I could ever be."

Joker had the goon brutally tortured while Harley watched Jess. Needless to say, Joker left the goon strung up outside the police department and he had died due to choking on his own offending organ.

The picture sent to Haly that year was not all that great, but it was sent with a lock of hair just like the first one.

[Mature Content Warning Over]

~Age 10~

She was learning to drive in addition to practicing using her pocket abilities. She's gotten pretty good at it too, only Joker keeps her out of his heists. Says they're too dangerous or something.

Something that has come as a sort of a yearly tradition, would be the branded tally marks on the back of her shoulder. Something to mark the passing of time she's spent with Joker.

~Age 11~

She's quite brilliant Joker noticed, only downside he saw was the bleeding heart she had towards everything. She was far too compassionate for a villain. Even if she wasn't strictly one. Joker summed it up to the trauma she experienced and that's why she treats everything like it's fragile.

He had hoped a trip to Ace for a swim would fix this unfortunate behavior, but it didn't seem to do much except change all of her to a lighter shade. Her pale skin was lighter, her orange hair brighter, and her eyes were practically the same neon his was.

Harley brought home Bud and Lou. He did not approve of the hyenas at first when she brought them home, that is until Jess showed him that they could work in his favor.

~Age 12~

She had noticed Joker was a little more stressed as of late and could only assume it's the new group that cropped up and wanted his help. A group of the major league villains were teaming up for some kind of end of the world type thing. Not something she was interested in. She kept an eye on Joker's movements for now.

Something else she found interesting is this Robin character that Joker's been complaining about. There's not much information on him at the moment, but that'll change if she ever is allowed to go or into the field with the others.

~Age 13~

"The light has big plans and you are going to play a bigger part in the schemes than just a quick getaway." Jess tilted her head in confusion. "Luther want's to borrow you for a while for some clone project or other. He knows if you get hurt on his watch he'll end up just like the goon that hurt you. You'll tell me if something happens right my little Jester?" She nodded.

"I'll do my best." Joker smiled manically.

"That's my good little Jester."

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