Mistakes Were Made.

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She sat outside with wolf. Conner said she was grounded, but didn't do anything with the car she 'stole'. She huffed and snuggled into Wolf's fur, wolf in turn nuzzled into her side.

'What does grounded mean anyways?' She wondered as she ran her finger through Wolf's fur. A car pulled up and she glanced over to see who it was. Lucas had gotten out of the car and headed her way.

"Hey kiddo, doing alright?" She nodded and he accepted the answer, heading inside after patting wolf on the head.

A few minutes later and both he and Megan headed outside.

"Conner would like you back inside if that's okay," Megan said, she nodded and headed inside with Wolf following. "She's adjusting. It'll take a bit until we figure out why she can't talk."

"Is she your dead friend?"

"We are more sure now. A memory surfaced but what doesn't make sense is that her scars reopen with recovered memories."

"So if she completely remembers her past, could she end up dying?" This caused Megan to look back at the house worried.

"I hope not. We don't know what triggers her memories or why some have scars surface. We'll try to keep an eye on her for now."

The two headed off to the school while Conner got the other three ready to go. They were supposed to meet the others soon for training.

"You are still grounded and will sit out of training," Conner said as they all got on the super cycle. She nodded and took a seat next to Forager.

"Jester is sad to miss out on training?" Forager asked. She shook her head, she wasn't sad just confused. "Jester can watch Forager again. Perhaps the grounding of Jester can be lifted for a short minute so Jester can train." She shrugged, she didn't quite understand the rules for grounding.

It didn't take them long to get to where they were going and Artemis and Halo were already waiting. They all left the cycle and Conner held her back as the other two greeted the others already there.

"You are to not react while the others are training. Is that understood?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

'Must be surprise training.' She didn't nod or give Conner any acknowledgment of his statement, she only walked toward the others. Dr. Jayce was there talking with the others that she could see.

"-and you too Failsafe." She wasn't paying attention to the doctor. "I owe you all an apology." The doctor didn't seem too put off by her neglect. Something had caught her attention while Brion and the doctor kept talking. A slight glimmer up in the mountain and she couldn't help but fixate on it. With the sound of a gunshot, she moved even though Conner had told her not to react. She moved to push Brion out of the way, still technically following orders, just not Conners. She'd keep an eye on the kids this time unlike what happened with the shadows.

Halo and Forager jumped into action while Brion was kinda just standing there. With his ability though it was probably harder for him to just suit up. She kept tabs on where the shots were fired and moved in front of Brion to take the hit instead.

It hit her shoulder and pushed her back into the prince, Dick calling off the training just after. She glared at where he was and Brion helped her steady herself on her feet.

"Thank you." He said and she nodded rubbing her shoulder. Dr. Jayce seemed a little more than upset at the fact Brion was a target and went over to see if he was alright. The rest of the group gathered.

"I thought I told you to not react." She only glared at Conner.

"Perhaps Jester just wants to keep others safe. Jester was only protecting Geoforce." Forager had come to back her up.

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