Beach Day

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She had quickly snuck out of the base since J was out and she didn't want to get the attention of the goons. She had brought her phone and a bag of beach things.

She ended up on the docks for happy harbor and looked around.

-Emergency Contact-
Is there someplace we should meet?

Where are you?

-Emergency Contact-
Happy harbor.

Call out to me.

She huffs a laugh. "Corny. Don't you think Superboy?" She said relatively loudly.

After a bit he landed in front of her.

"I was able to find you though."

"Nice to see you again Conner." She smiled and he half smiled.

"Let me see your hand." He gestures to her left hand.

"It's not that bad." She held up her hand, it had a compression glove on to keep from shifting the broken bones. She carefully peeled it off revealing the dark purple/red bruising on three of her fingers, the pinky to middle finger were slightly mangled like a bar had broken them. "It looks worse than it is. I shouldn't have put my hand on the desk." He carefully looked over her fingers.

"What even happened?"

"J was upset because Batman injured him. So I'm a fit of rage he was swinging a tire iron around and I stepped out of the way with the first swing but my hand was on the desk for balance when he brought it down. His fit ended with the crunch my fingers made. It's not the worst I've been through. I'll be okay." She carefully put the compression glove back on with the occasional wincing. "We're supposed to go to the beach."

"Right. Can I carry you?" He seemed unsure about his question. But she smiled anyways.

"Sure. You know where we're going. It'll be faster that way." He nodded and picked her up like a princess.

"You're lighter than I thought you'd be."

"You have super strength and I'm light?" She questioned with a smirk. "I'm a bit light since I'm not a fighter. I'm the getaway and spy. I don't need muscle mass weighing me down." He nodded and hopped into the sky. She held tight to his shoulders and turned her face away from the wind. She could tell when they landed but didn't move since he jumped again. He lept for a third time before landing on a sandy surface.

"We're here." She let go and looked around.

"It's pretty." She looked back to him as he set her down.

"Sorry about the travel. It's the only way I could get you here."

"It's fine. I'm not a fan of flying anyways. Im better with my feet on the ground."

"Scared of heights?"

"Not really, just less chance of falling if I'm not in the air." She looked away remembering the Grayson's and that's the real reason she didn't like being in the air.

"Makes sense." He gestures to the beach, that looked like a private beach. "This is my h-"

"Hang out spot?" She interrupted. "Best not to let personal information slip. I'm pretty good at keeping telepaths out of my head but sometimes things don't stay locked away." He nodded.

"Yeah. My friends showed me this beach and we know who owns it so it should be okay if we hang out here." She smiled.

"Let me change real quick. You should get some trunks on too." She stepped into one of the pockets and changed into her swim suit. It was sorta a mix of a one and two piece. The bottoms were bikini style with two straps connected to the back that wrapped across the front and tied behind the neck. It showed most of her scars but she didn't care, they were there wether she liked it or not.

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