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"I need you to stay right here. And don't wander." The dark haired one that wasn't the Superboy said as he moved her over to where Brion was testing his abilities.

She watched as she sat on the floor. Learning about new abilities of metas had intrigued her. Brion was up first and his goal was to hit a rock with his magma ability.

'Would be easier if those two would stop pestering him.' The prince was getting more frustrated with each comment that he fully encased himself with molten rock and completely missed the rock he was supposed to hit. The trees weren't so lucky. She got back up in case they needed her help with the trees. But they didn't seem too bothered by them.

After his fit of rage was over he powered down, not realizing that his clothes were a little more susceptible to the magma than he was. He covered himself as the younger girl openly stared at him. At least she seemed to appreciate the view.

The Superboy took the prince inside to redress, so now it was the girls turn to test out her abilities. The blonde was testing her abilities by attacking to see what color auras did what. They seemed pretty standard as far as abilities go, each color did a specific thing.

Orange- levitation
Red- shield

She'd have to keep track of the colors.

The girls aura turned yellow, but didn't have an immediate tell of what it was. That couldn't be good. She grabbed a knife in case something backfired. The girl turned her back and faced the trees. An energy blast flew from her hands sending the girl backwards with the recoil.

Quickly processing she threw a knife in the direction the girl was heading and opened a pocket for her to fly back into. She caught the girl in a pocket and forced it to stay open. The knife was now lodged in a tree on the other side of the yard.

"Where did you send her?!" The prince stomped up to her and just about grabbed her shirt. She hadn't seen when he came back outside.

"Easy Brion." The Superboy said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"She attacked you and now got rid of Halo, how can you be so calm about this?" Brion was starting to get angry again.

"Woo hoo! That was fun can we do it again?" Halo said flying out of the pocket.

"See she's fine."

"It's a safety net." The not Superboy said. He stared at the pocket as she closed it, unfortunately she couldn't go grab her knife. "You have meta abilities too?" She nodded, pulling out a knife. The others stepped back a bit worried she'd attack, but she cut open a small pocket and reached through to grab the knife she threw.

"Neat. Can you do that without a knife?" The blonde asked. She glanced down at the knives and looked back up, for some reason the blonde, and the Superboy almost seemed to know something about her that she didn't know. She shook her head, she's only ever made the pockets with a knife or sharp object. Then again she hadn't tried to make one without.

"You're broken too?" Halo asked getting closer, not minding the blades being out.

"Excuse me?!" Brion seemed to take offense to the question when it wasn't even directed at him.

She thought it over a minute but ultimately nodded, bringing a hand up to her head. If being broken means no memory then yes she was broken.

"Your head?" The blonde asked. Another nod. "Do you know who you are?" She glanced down trying to think over what about herself that she knew. She shook her head, everything she knew about herself Vertigo told her.

"You have no memories?" A nod. Technically that was true, but she did have memories from the last year. "You know what happened to your eye? The contact is offline." The not Superboy pointed at his own eye to show what he meant.

She nodded and made a motion that looked like she hit her head.

"Something or someone hit you?" The blonde put a hand on the not Superboy's shoulder.

"As fun as this guessing game is what if we just asked her to write it down? You can write yes?" She nodded and they led her inside to the table while the blonde went to get a piece of paper. The small group slowly trickled in aside from Brion and Halo. The not Superboy sitting across from her.

Superboy leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed, covering the logo on his shirt. The dark skinned one sat in a chair but not at the table and the blonde came back with a paper and a crayon.

"You have a name?" The not Superboy asked.

'Vertigo called me Jessibelle. What about you? I can't designate you not Superboy.'

"Not Superboy?" She made a gesture to his hair and eyes. "Right. You can call me Wing. If you're still transmitting data back to vertigo I can't give you specifics."

'They only transmit when they're red and on. One is broken due to blunt force.'

"What happened?" The blonde asked this time.

'A target. Robin. We fought. I got hit then took a knife to the shoulder.'

"You fought with Robin?" Wing asked
"Who else is a target?" The blonde asked, they each had focused on something different.

'The Superboy, Robin, Artemis, all those Junior heroes. An order of revenge, they're the reason my Papa is gone. Or at least that's what I've been told.'

"You know who your papa is?" The blonde asked as she read over the words. She shook her head. Vertigo hadn't explained that.

"Is there a way to override the revenge order?" Wing asked. She went to write down yes, but her hand froze in the middle of her 'y'.

She tried to continue the word but her arm started shaking before crossing out the letter she started. The crayon broke in her hand and she just stared at it. As far as she can recall no one has given her an order to not let anyone know of reversing orders.

"Are you okay?" Superboy asked and she nodded slowly. Physically she was alright, but she couldn't figure out why she couldn't just write down the answer.

A phone ping sounded. Wing reacted, so it must have been his. He pulled it out before getting up from his seat.

"I've gotta go. Keep her here, I'll figure something out."

"Just like with Halo and Brion?" The blonde asked.

"I'm working on it. I promise." Wing left the room and the blonde groaned.

"Of course you are."

"Perhaps we should discuss what to do in the mean time." The dark skinned one said as he walked closer to the table. "Go keep an eye on the kids. Make sure they aren't getting into too much trouble." She glanced up and nodded, leaving behind the crayon and paper. "This might be trouble if we can't find out who she is." She paused.

"I think we may have an idea who she might be, but we'd need Megan here to confirm." She continued outside.

[A/N: I'm still trying to get through the writers block I've run into, let me know if there's room for improvement. I'll try and keep up my Friday release schedule. Have a wonderful day/night. ^.^]

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