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She watched from her perch near the ceiling, wearing a face mask that covered the lower half of her face. Vertigo had stepped out for something and the doctor had to attend the party. Something she wished she could do, she hadn't been allowed outside this dark hole in so long she was starting to forget what fresh air smelled like. She got herself comfortable above the tar pods and closed her eyes to ease the boredom of waiting.

The door eventually opened, so did her eyes. She trained them on the entrance to get a look at who was coming.

Two men came in, dressed in similar attire to hers. Even down to the face mask. This would be interesting. They put small devices on four of the pillars and continued exploring. One walked closer to the tar pods, she tightened her grip on her staff but didn't move otherwise. The other got closer as well. They were chatting to each other but nothing of importance to her.

"There's five heartbeats, so at least they're still alive. Ones a little faster than the rest."


"There's someone else here. They're afraid." The two went on alert. Knowing her cover was blown, she jumped down from her hiding spot. Just on the opposite side of the tar pods. She stepped around them carefully. Not exactly feeling afraid but she could feel her pulse, it was beating normally right? Their attention was immediately on her. Her attention was divided, she kept her eyes trained on the intruders but her mind was keeping orders, Vertigo had entered the room and was displeased.

"You here to help us?" The darker skinned one asked. She only tilted her head in confusion.

Help them do what? She wondered. The other, the pale one, took a defensive stance.

"I'll take that as a no. Get the pods I'll deal with her."

"I think not." Vertigo said, his voice echoing in the tunnels drawing the attention of the two. He activated his ability and offset the two. They fell to the ground and the pale one looked up with a glare.

"Vertigo." He growled out through the disorientation.

"That's Count Vertigo to you, peasant." He kept his ability focused on the two with her standing just outside of the affect area. "Plasmus come." Plasmus obeyed and the two still seemed functional enough to form thought.

"Stun Vertigo or that creature."

So these were meta humans. She thought as she looked them over. She didn't have a whole lot of experience with veteran meta users but it was interesting. The darker one must have a way to stun if the pale one called for it. Was it an ability or a tool? She carefully watched the darker one and noticed a look of panic. Was something wrong? She couldn't help but empathize, she too is suffering from her own issues.

Plasmus picked up the pale one but he looked unharmed as he dropped to the floor after breaking out of the weak hold. Then he started to hit the floor.

The floor shook and Vertigo was not pleased with this. He turned on his ability again, but that only stalled him for a short moment. The pale one hit the floor again, this time it caved in underneath and the two fell through. She was quick enough to have jumped off the crumbling rock.

Vertigo was surprised at the meta human but not deterred. "Fetch or you know just kill them." Plasmus made a noise of acceptance and jumped down. "You too. We can't have them escaping." She nodded and jumped down as well.

Following Plasmus was easy. Just look for the footprints. The other two she had to think over. One had the ability to shock or at least a tool that could and the other had enhanced hearing and strength. Both seemed interested in the pods. But they called out something earlier, what was it again? Nightwing? Is that another meta human? Where were they? She caught up to Plasmus and held up a hand. They had just caught up to the two trespassers and they were coming up on a dead end. If there was a third one they had to let one get out to tell the tale. Having one hostage would be beneficial to use as bait to get them all in the trap. The darker one jumped first and she let Plasmus grab the second one.

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