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-Emergency Contact-
J doesn't want me in the field for a while, I'm working recon.

What do you mean?

-Emergency Contact-
If you text me to visit I won't be able to respond, or if I need to lend a hand. If J catches wind of the fact that I'm not following orders consequences are to come.
Sorry about last time. I was having a rough day and didn't mean to leave like that.

It's fine. Understandable since I too have bad days. What was with the reaction to the bat though? They're small and otherwise harmless.

-Emergency Contact-
I have a bat phobia. Kinda similar to how when people drown they never want to go near water again. Several years ago, in an attempt to make me hate bats, J locked me in a damp cellar and released near a thousand bats into it. Now anytime I see a bat that's all that I see.

Got it. No bats.

-Emergency Contact-
I won't be able to help with any major villain plans either. They've been keeping J out of the loop recently. I'm assuming because of how volatile his nature is. Like yes Klarion is the embodiment of chaos, but he's at least able to follow orders. J is a little out there and is only interested in his own plans.

What happened to you during the whole adults missing crisis?

-Emergency Contact-
I confronted Klarion and got sent away with no abilities. I learned it was all just a distraction though. Not sure what the real goal was.
It's awfully cold out isn't it?

Got a mission, will be away for a bit.
The Freeze villains break out?

-Emergency Contact-
Not that I'm aware of. You think they're the cause for the snow day?
Also heard KF saved the queen. Now Vertigo is locked up. Congrats, are in order.

One plus for the whole situation I guess. The justice league and the rest of the team took out the floating ice fortresses. But it's whatever.
Oh! You know of savage?

-Emergency Contact-
Like Vandal Savage? He's bad news. Why he show up recently?

Nearly cost the queen her life.

-Emergency Contact-
He get dealt with or is he still out there?

Still out. How bad is he.

-Emergency Contact-
Extremely. He's a meta human that's been around forever. Pretty sure he went by Atilla and Ghengis. Not sure how old he is, but he's wicked smart and has powerful allies. Not someone you want to take on without thinking it through first.

Got it. What about Queen bee?

-Emergency Contact-
Also bad news. She's power hungry and manipulative. Her ability helps her manipulate males and some females. Try and stay away from her if you can.

That'll be a little hard. We have a mission in Qurac. She's part of the reason we're going out there.

-Emergency Contact-
If I recall Psimon is out that way. Not sure if he's still out there but keep an eye open just in case.
Watched on the news. Bee is gonna get upset about your portrayal of her on the news. Keep an eye out for her in case she retaliates. She's not one you want to make an enemy of.

Little late for that.
By the way, happy birthday. Megan is a little busy helping Zatana with Thanksgiving, ever since the dr fate issue she's been a bit down.

-Emergency Contact-
Nabu is back?


-Emergency Contact-
The helmet. He has a name. Nabu just needs a host body in order to become dr fate. I heard more than an ear full from Klarion before.

Yeah. Zatara put on the helmet since the helmet said he was needed and refused to be taken off.

-Emergency Contact-
I could try to help if you want?

Hold on. I'm hearing the voice again. I'll text in a bit.

-Emergency Contact-
What voice?
Wonder boy?
How often does this happen?
Hold on I'm gonna find you.

She used the same tactic as when she went to find Klarion and ended up pocketing to an underground facility. Looking around she saw it was one of the lower levels of Cadmus. She was startled by a body crashing to the ground next to her, followed by wolf being thrown to her other side. The body was indeed Conner but when she looked up she saw there was another clone. Only this one looked more angry.

Acting on reflex, she covered her head and pulled her legs close to appear smaller when the other clone approached.

He was confused by the reaction, but enraged at the injuries she had. It confused him since the other is injured now, but showed aggression. He approached slower and crouched down to her size, keeping his other senses open for any danger. Carefully he touched her arm and she flinched, but didn't pull away. He was careful to not use his strength to move her arms away from her face. She carefully looked up with wide eyes. He was an exact copy of the boy on her side, only his eyes were wrong.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly just in case he was going to go feral again. He tilted his head confused. Slowly she pointed to his chest. "You're hurt. Are you okay?" He nodded and pointed to her neck.

"Are you okay?" She nodded slightly.

"I'll be okay."

Something out of her range of hearing must have triggered the clone, as he shot up quickly and looked around. He flew and destroyed the cameras as well as other tech that was around the room before going back to Jess and lifting her carefully. He flew out of the room and took seemingly random turns before they ended up in an underground city. He landed and gently set Jess down before falling to the floor unconscious.

"How interesting." The Gnomorph that approached had said. Jess jumped and stood to defend the unconscious clone.

"You made another clone of Superman." She said with a glare.

"I have not. I had no knowledge of this clone but we will do some digging. It is however interesting that he took kindly to you. From what little I've seen he's feral and has no vocabulary."

"He spoke to me. He repeated my question like he was trying to understand. If Cadmus programmed him he should have a shut off phrase."

"I will look into it. You should head back home."

"But my friend."

"We will take care of the Superboy. And his pet Wolf. Fret not. Given the subtle telepathic walls you have up though I understand you are a person of secrets. Things do slip through though. Your caretaker will be most upset to find you've wandered off without permission." Jess looked away with a nod and opened a pocket.

"If anything happens to any of them I will be coming back here."

"Understood. But this other clone will more than likely be put on ice for the foreseeable future. Your friend is probably going to be released." She nodded and walked through the pocket back to the harbor.

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