three - hurricane agatha .

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TW: Abuse, assault

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TW: Abuse, assault.

"Hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina ... " the TV announcer was reciting her script on the small, old CRT television in the break room of Heyward's. The news station was the only channel that the TV managed to get these days, at least that wasn't accompanied by a fuzzy picture.

The storm siren had been blaring for the last few hours, and work around the island had seemingly shifted into overdrive. Everyone not only had to continue doing their everyday jobs, but they also had to take care of all of the hurricane preparations - laying out sandbags to prevent flooding, boarding up windows, removing dead branches from trees. The island saw it's fair share of hurricanes every year so this wasn't new to anyone, but it certainly didn't make it any easier.

Rylee and Pope had just returned from Figure Eight, delivering groceries for Pope's dad. They were taking a short break before going on their second and final run. Rylee was on the phone with Noa, confirming what they needed from her in order to get the shop prepared for the storm. She took notes of everything they needed onto her serving note pad from the Wreck. Pope was reading.

"Got it. Be there as soon as I can," Rylee said into the receiver of her phone before hitting the end call button. She let out a tired sigh and slumped back into her chair.

"Need help over at Midnight?" Pope asked, not even looking up from the pages of the book laid out in his lap. It was one that Rylee had lent him after checking it out from the Kildare Library a few days ago. She had finished it that morning.

"Nah, I think we've got it under control. Thanks though," She replied, though her knee was bouncing up and down, one of her telltale signs that she was feeling overwhelmed.

Pope reached out and placed his hand on Rylee's knee, causing the bouncing to slow and then eventually stop. She looked up from her list and met Pope's eyes, feeling like he was looking straight through her. She sighed, knowing she might as well just say what was on her mind, "I gotta go by my mom's," She explained.

Pope merely nodded. Rylee didn't talk about her home life unless she had to, and he knew that she didn't like to be pushed into talking about it. She wished that she could just head over to Midnight Marine now, that way she could go to her mom's house before the storm really hit.

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