twenty-two - the hail mary .

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The Pogues split up after they left the Crain house, though John B requested they meet back up at the Château that night at 6 to start to devise a plan on how they were going to get into the well in the basement to check for the gold

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The Pogues split up after they left the Crain house, though John B requested they meet back up at the Château that night at 6 to start to devise a plan on how they were going to get into the well in the basement to check for the gold. Rylee, having no more shifts or worries for the rest of the day, asked John B to drop her off at the Château. He said he had to go back to the Cameron's.

Rylee changed into clean swimwear and decided to go surfing. The weather had been perfect for it -- A gentle breeze rustled her hair, the sun warm but not beating down directly on her shoulders, and the waves were the perfect height. Before she knew it, an hour and a half had passed and she was exhausted. She didn't rush to get out of the water, straddling her board, letting the water rock her back and forth as she stared out at the setting sun.

When she could finally drag herself back to the shore, she tucked her board under her arm and ambled up the sand back to the Château. JJ's dirt bike was parked out front, two helmets swinging from the handlebars. As she pulled open the enclosed porch, she spotted Pope, sitting tensely on a stray stool on the patio, scribbling furiously in a notebook. Rylee called out a greeting, but Pope merely grunted in response, not even lifting his eyes from the page. She figured he was probably working on his scholarship essay, so she didn't bother him. She propped her board up against the house and made her way inside.

Rylee's skin was already dry from the walk back, so she didn't bother toweling off, only grabbing a pair of track shorts and slipping into them. Her stomach had been rumbling for the past few hours, not having had anything to eat since her shift at The Wreck. Neither she nor John B had bothered doing any grocery shopping lately, save for John B making sure the fridge was always stocked with six packs. A stray can of fruit cocktail stuffed into a cabinet was her only option, and she purposefully ignored the shelf date stamped on the bottom, too hungry to concern herself with it. She bent over the kitchen counter, eating the fruit chunks with a fork straight from the can.

A warm arm wound itself around Rylee's waist from behind, and she felt warmth spread across her entire body. She inhaled the familiar scent of JJ, and a smile spread across her lips, "Hi," He mumbled over her shoulder, before he began to press warm kisses along the length of her neck.

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