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The Archaic - Last Test.

"Is anyone ready for this, to face them all, will we still be friends after this?" Haden mumbled next to his sister, they stood just by the entrance of the arena, where three arch angels, and an ascended angel were, they would be fighting them, fighting to show who truly stood out among them. "Even if we don't win, we've made a change at the school already, our people, they are respected, our dorms are being renovated, things are changing, the headmaster kept his word, so nomatter what happens from here on out, we're fulfilling our objective." Denali reassured her brother as she nodded toward him, he smiled back as the pendant around his neck shimmered, he'd never taken it off, ever. The two hunters walked into the arena and behind them the barrier that protected them shimmered into a place, sealing their fate inside. "Yay, Denali!" Laurie cheered from the arena seats overlooking the battleground, Denali chuckled, grateful to know that even if she was the least strongest here, she had the support of her new friends.

"It is time, today we shall witness who among these six will sit as the head of the council, he or she shall stand for truth, honor, justice, equality for all of us and we will have faith, let the final test begin." The headmaster announced, as he stood in mid air, his wings nowhere to be seen but his power prevalent enough to hold him there, they all looked in awe at Harry, he like his nephews was a sight to behold, always. "Are you ready?" Hamish asked Necmi who snickered as he cranked his neck, ofcourse he was ready. "Its about to start." Selena mumbled as in her hand a long sword that resembled iron blended and forged with the coldest ice materialized. "It is an honour fighting you all, even if most of you I've already taken out." Kean exclaimed his bolster making all of them snicker.

Just as the horn blew Kean was lunging for Hamish, the arch angel moved at sonic speed to slash at the angel's head but he wasn't there, Hamish was above Kean, he dropped down and kicked his back with so much force it blew him back, but Kean wasn't that much of a pushover, he skidded to a stop just short of the barrier, he hissed toward Hamish and lunged for him again only to get punched in the stomach, with a swift upper cut and round house he was being blown back to the barrier, Hamish breathed deep and slowly, when he inhaled and exhaled he stood straight his hands by his side, Kean knew Hamish's guard was up, he wouldn't break through so easily and he couldn't feel him transition from defence to attack which was also a problem but he could figure that out later as he lunged for Hamish with a different approach, he accumulated telekinetic energy into his palm and shot it at the angel, right when it was to make contact, Hamish smiled, the attack swerved around him and went back to attack Kean and on imapct, it exploded.

"Whooo, whooo yeah, that's my man!" Laurie yelled over the mass of the whole school, not caring about her words at all. Back in the arena Denali was facing Necmi, she hadn't chosen her opponent since Selena went right for her brother. "Feel free to attack me anyhow." Necmi offered and she scoffed, he was cocky,  Denali leapt up into the air, drew a runic circle as she fell, unleashed it on Necmi, then attacked aswell with her best speed, Necmi didn't even seem to move as he held his finger toward the circle destroyed it with a laser then grabbed Denali's attacking right hand, dragging her forward before he used his leg to cut off her momentum, with another forward pull he flipped her over and she landed on the ground, she didn't stay there long, she flipped back to her feet and blasted Necmi with raw force energy, the arch angel swerved to the left to avoid the attack which caused an explosion behind him. "You have no tact, you're attacking randomly to see if I have an opening, a weakness, I assure you, I don't." Necmi told the girl who groaned. "We'll see about that." She released a guttural growl before lunging for Necmi, she threw several shuriken at him, drew a runic circle that conjured lightning and released it toward Necmi.

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