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The Oldenheim.

"It looks tacky, and seems as if you were trying not really putting your talent into it." The woman with raven flowing hair, caramel skin and very sharp eyes commented as she looked at the decorations she had ordered to be placed up, they had to be perfect nomatter what. "Yes, mistress I'll get onto it right away—by the way mistress you look absolutely stunning as always." The man she had been giving instructions complimented making her blush a little. "Oh stop with your charm Zev, you'll make me nervous." She retorted with a giggle that brought a wave of refreshing air, that's who Ceres was, a breath of fresh air or a bitter cutting storm, depending on which side of her you fell on. "We're here auntie Ceres!" A little boy yelled as he jumped out of a car headed for the entrance to where Ceres was, the building looked like a mini greek temple with ten pillars on either side though it wasn't open air, it was actually closed in to avoid the equipment inside from getting damaged but the panels inbetween the pillars weren't just titanium, they acted as the power generators for the whole building, and on the inside Ceres had made sure to put up tapestries which reflected the history of house Lucifer. "Hello my darlings!" Ceres replied with even more vigour when she turned to greet the boy and the other children that ran behind him.

"Oh my you've grown." Ceres indulged them as she looked at their bright faces, even of the adults who were now walking in, scattered all over the world, a family taken apart because of war and the need to find better livelihoods, and never able to enter Haven Rein, the hidden country for all that was angelic and divine, but through her son's grace, they were here, happy. "Mistress Faith." A gruff voice called out as he walked into the building last, his grace and elegance undeniable for an arch angel of celestial power. "Master Serrati, I'm so glad you could join us." Ceres addressed the man who was surprised as always by her beauty, by her power and mostly by her kindness, her house had been near annihilation yet she was still as kind, more so than before, —even to a man who had a hand in the destruction of her house, how the sweet words of a mad man had led him astray.

"I could never resist your company mistress." He replied charmingly causing everyone to snicker and chuckle. "The pleasure is all mine, find a place to hide everyone, we need to surprise them." Ceres called out to the large family who scattered around the room whilst she and the Serrati stood to watch the portal begin to form, first was a burst of white, them gold, it mixed and swirled but never stayed the same in its circular form, first was Kean who walked out, then Denali, lastly Haden before the portal closed, the twins stood by Kean looking around before. "Surprise!" Everyone called out making Denali shriek whilst Haden just held onto Kean, the gesture wasn't refused, the angel actually felt comfort in the fact that Haden would seek his hand for comfort when in trouble. "Welcome home, Denali, Haden, do you recognize them." The mistress spoke up first and all three hunters realized who she was in an instant, she was Mel's mother no doubt, no wonder they all said they would know, —there was no mistaking it, they were looking at just an older feminine version of Melrose.

But something struck Kean, the man next to her. "Grandfather." Kean whispered as he looked at the man. "Come give your grandfather a hug —introduce him to your mate." The man replied cheerily but the last part had Kean unable to form words. "I might have let my tongue slip there huh." He mumbled earning a chuckle from Ceres. "Haden!" The children finally run out of patience and screamed the hunters name. "Dakota, Macy, Con— why are you all here?" Haden questioned as Denali tapped his shoulder. "Look." She asserted and Haden looked from where he was kneeling with the children to have his eyes widen and heart beat faster. "Uncle Maverick, it can't be, you're —you were." Haden couldn't believe it, neither of them could believe it, this was their family, all of it, Maverick was the closest thing they had to a father, he was the one who worked tirelessly to keep them in the academy, but due to his work he was rarely home but made sure to be there for the special things, especially their birthday. "Dad!" Denali called out as she ran to Maverick, he wasn't just their uncle, he was their father, so when they crashed into his arms after all this time they cried, he was home nomatter where they were, they could count on him to be there.

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