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Harwin Academy.

"Find anyone whose injured, take them to the med centre!" Harry ordered as he moved past students who were collecting their broken things, clearing rubble and making sure no one was hurt. "The whole school is in ruin, except the med bay, the great hall which housed three quarters of the school and staff whilst those who dared to go fight did, but there is something unusual about a certain building." Lanel exclaimed as he and Harry turned a corner and found themselves at Mel's dorm building, three stories of brick, concrete and glass, it was the only place that seemed to not have a dent of all that had happened, it was as it was before, untouched.

"Mel." Hamish cried, he and the council along with their friends were standing by the building, unable to move. "Why are you just standing here, there could be something or someone inside that's important." Harry grolwed as he moved forward but several angelic symbols glowed making the strongest barrier he'd ever seen come to life, the building was protected no one could get in. "That's the problem headmaster, we all cannot get in, we can't break the barrier it's too strong." Kean explained as Harry sighed in defeat.

"Unless you're part of him, and his power is linked to you, like a mother, I taught him that barrier." Ceres Faith called out behind them as she and the rest of them walked out of a portal, they had all turned to face the incoming heads but Harry didn't care, care who was watching or who wasn't, he ran to his sister. "Dad!" Selena yelled as she herself took off toward Killian, Kean did the same with his father. "Sister, I lost him, I lost our Rose." Harriel cried with his sister, but she did not waver, she held her little brother, soothed his breaking heart. "I know we've lost him, but I swear my beautiful Harriel, I will get him back, I promise, I'll make sure of it." Ceres promised as Harry calmed down and let go of his sister whilst more portals opened in the sky above the school and on the ground.

"You'll be damned if I'm not out there finding Mel, now help me walk." It was a pregnant witch cussing as he waddled out of a portal with what could be described as all of Oldenheim, the Guildheim and Haven Rein. "Melrose isn't just important to you mistress, —he is to all of us, and this school needs us and him, we will help you find him." Kean's father assured as he walked toward the many people, angels, angel bloods, wolves, witches, all who were mystic kind that were loyals to the great house of Lucifer. "We all know what to do, help rebuild the school, help the children heal as we find the rose of house Lucifer!" The Serrati called out as everyone dispersed leaving a minimal amount of people.

"We can't get in." Harry told Ceres and Killian who nodded to each other, it seemed their animosity had been put aside for their son. "Come Hamish." Killian told the angel surprising everyone especially his mate to be. "What can I do?" Hamish questioned, with puffy red eyes. "You're sad I know, it feels as if you've lost two parts of yourself that are vital to you breathing, and I know you can get inside, but you're afraid that if you draw on your power you'll take any chance Mel has, that's not the problem sweetheart." Ceres explained as she held the much taller angel in her embrace. "How do you know?" Hamish questioned. "She gave birth to our son, who better to understand him and his bonded pair than her." Killian retorted with a reassuring nod.

"Draw on the balance and place your hand on the barrier." Ceres instructed as everyone stood back and Killian did the same as she laid her hand on the barrier. "Mother." She stated. "Father." Killian added. "Son." Hamish spoke as Ceres sighed. "The power of three, the power of balance." She spoke again first. "Allow us entry, to the sacred place." Killian finished. "For we are worthy by heart not by actions." Hamish exclaimed and the barrier answered in a bright flash of green and gold it vanished.

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