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Harwin Academy
Melrose Faith.

"Impressive, I wouldn't have thought of solving the alchemical solution like that, —you truly are a wonder Melrose." The professor for alchemy five complimented as Mel finished his equation on the white board, everyone was mesmerized, not only by the equation but by him. "Its no problem sir Caimen, —I've studied way beyond formulas and I've actually integrated them into which compounds they group into depending on how rare and or dangerous." Melrose explained further astonishing the class. "I'm not surprised, sir Tempest did say you were his brightest student now." Sir Caimen replied as Mel nodded and went back to his seat. "I didn't know you were a nerd, —no one could've guessed really." Rizzavi teased sitting next to him. "Shut up gym mouse." Mel jabbed back making them both chuckle. "Alright class, that's it for today, —dont forget to hand in your detailed reports on bio-alchemical synthesis also tomorrow you'll be writing the first of the second semester quarterly exams, they have sixty percent of your total marks and will determine your grade so better study." Sir Caimen announced making the whole class groan and whine, not Mel of course, he had been studying every time he got free and even forced Rizzavi to do it with him since they had the same class, now that studying was coming in handy.

"I don't feel prepared." Rizzavi suddenly stated and Mel understood his apprehension. It was an exam, you never felt prepared. "I get it, but you are —trust me." Mel reassured his friend who nodded as they handed in their reports and everyone made way for them, it made them feel awkward but he didn't let it get to them. "Melrose, honey —how are you?" Lanel greeted with a lot of excitement that seemed to startle Mel but he breathed out and faced the squealing man. "Lanel, hello, —did you get my message?" Mel asked as he, Rizzavi and Lanel began to walk toward the gallery of heroes, it was a building dedicated to a museum of artifacts and paintings from a different age. "I did and obviously you got approval, I'm currently going through your list, —I'm sure I can find some of the larger items on here." He replied as the angel walking alongside Mel pushed open the doors to the gallery. "Thank you Zavi, —we just need to get a cleaning crew in here,  large circular pillars for guests to stand by, we also need fifteen rows of chairs for the bid close to the stage, I'm sure you can handle procurement of cocktail appetizers, and the bottles themselves." Mel stated looking at Zavi who nodded noting everything down.

"Mel I thought this was charity ball meant to be fun and reckless?" Lanel demanded causing both him and Zavi to chuckle, Mel could understand the administrator's confusion, so he sought to clear it. "Yes this is a ball but we have out of school guests coming for the bid, they need to see how the school can be formal to a degree that hurts —with lavish people and whatnot, however there is an after party, treat it more like a bush party only little close to the beach." Melrose explained and the confusion cleared away replaced by excitement. "Oh you're a genius!" Lanel cheered earning a few glances from the cleaning crew that had come in, Mel laughed as he made his way out.  "Can you handle everything here, —I need to see off the teams then check the workshop where our bid items are being made." Melrose asked and Rizzavi didn't hesitate to nod, —he walked out of the gallery with Lanel in tow who seemed to be smiling. "What's got you grinning?" Mel questioned as he walked toward the church. "Oh nothing, —you remind me of your uncle and mother, they are also pretty incredible and genius in their own way." Lanel replied as Mel smiled gratefully, the thought of his mother caused a pang in his heart though, he needed to talk to her when he got the chance, things couldn't stay as they were, it wasn't right. "So I'm going to help your friend and get on that list, —have a good day Melrose and remember, —stay hydrated." Lanel expressed as he placed a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks Lanel, have a great day." Mel replied waving him off just as he turned for the church, the hunters and angels in front of him all parted way for him, he really needed to get used to that. "Sir Faith, watch out!" Someone called out and Mel could only react on instinct, a temporal displacement bubble covered him, he turned to his left side to watch the large spear aiming for his head slowly pierce the bubble, he willed his power over the spear and it turned to sand.

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