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Calming Storm.

Melrose Faith.

This wasn't the first time Mel had found himself powerless, in the clutches of an enemy who presented himself as more powerful and in control more than him, it had happened many times, but this time was different because Mel knew the way to escape but something was keeping him from using it, as if his own intuition was telling him there was more to what he was seeing in front of him, more to the whole picture, therefore he needed to lay the plan and let fate deal her cards.

"You're a great cook, I wouldn't mind having you here forever." Korva muttered as he led him back to his allocated room in the large manor, Mel just scoffed, he wouldn't believe the words of a demon whose killed thousands. "Believe it or not, I would've liked to be your mate." Korva asserted as he pinned Mel to the wall, caging him in with his large arms on either side. "Is that so, tell me, in any scenario would you see me accepting that offer, I try save as many lives as I can and you try as much as you can to take lives because to you everyone is expendable." Mel replied challenging Korva's gaze, the much older demon scoffed, his light beard glinting in the light as he moved away.

"Maybe, —maybe not, either way, despite all that has happened, you are a rare and exquisite creature." Korva finished as he smiled toward Mel before turning on his heel and opening a particular door which opened to Mel's allocated room. "Need anything, night cap, cuddle buddy, or more." The demon suggested and Mel groaned, he was really starting to get on his nerves but he couldn't help go beyond that, Korva had a temper and it was volatile, Mel didn't want to deal with him like that, not yet. "No,—but thank you for the offer." He replied the demon leaning on the door frame. "Alright, just call me if you change your mind." He retorted as Mel nodded and closed the door, once it was closed, he breathed out deeply.

The demonium shackles were still there but rattled from time to time, they truly couldn't hold Mel completely meaning he could push some of his power to the surface and perform minimal magic, hopefully it worked. Grabbing the chain around his neck made for him by Angelo, Mel drew the symbols he needed for his astral form to travel and create a barrier around him strong enough to ward off any one who would harm him, then settled in the middle of his symbols, the chain he used became a pendulum, it slowly swung in his clenched hands until it picked up, swinging strongly, Mel fell unconscious then as his astral form appeared outside his body, he didn't need to find the dimensional door now, he just needed to focus on the person he wanted to see, and he did.

Mel appeared in the aether, right where the door to Lucifer's home was, of course even in the form of his soul alone he'd be drawn to his predecessor. "Melrose Khalil Faith, what have you done?!" He knew that screech, it was no none other than Durga Faith. "Auntie I love you but please stop yelling." Melrose hissed back as the woman appeared fully in a lengthy black dress, she looked just about ready to kill someone. "Don't get snarky with me, I'm your favourite aunt." She jabbed and Mel smiled walking over to her and hugging her. "I know, and you're probably worried, I'm sorry about that too." Mel stated as she felt Durga hold him tightly, she was the eldest of his mother's siblings, the guardian to the realms, and she was his crying aunt.

"I thought, —we all thought we lost you." She cried and Mel clung to the woman, he wasn't able to cry but the emotion welled in him and he appreciated being in her embrace. "I thought so too but I wasn't lost, he has me, in a dimension of his domain." Mel explained as they pulled apart. "I'm glad you're alright, now tell me everything." Durga exclaimed and Mel nodded. "Korva took me to his dimension, so no matter if anyone tries to find me they cant, I'm sure Demier is trying." Mel explained and his aunt nodded. "The witch is powerful, he's managed to clear out most dimensions except three, he says you're potentially on either one or none of them, I've been watching from here so I could keep a look out for you here, I'm glad I was right." Durga explained and Mel nodded happily, then he remembered.

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