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Meanwhile ~ the forest of serenity

Necmi, Selena, Laurie, Kean and the twins Denali and Haden, all sat in a black salt bind, they were all pouring their mana and energy to Kean who was focusing on getting into Melrose's mind, he would create a connected psyche between all of them, since he now knew Hamish and Rizzavi were probably where Mel was, if only it was an easy road. "Just to be safe and in the clear, run me down the plan again." Haden mumbled nervously and Necmi sighed heavily earning a chuckle from Selena. "Kean found out that both Hamish and Rizzavi are going through what Mel is going through, not in the physical world but in their connected mind, therefore in order to bring them back we have to enter Mel's mind, be warned, it will be dangerous because currently Mel is incapacitated so his subconscious mind will make it hard to reach him and pull him out but it is imperative we pull them out or else we risk another power surge." Necmi explained just as Haden gulped down hard and Kean cleared his throat. "I'm ready, but I need you all to remember, once we're in there, the rules change, it's his mind, we are uninvited and those two, will probably want us dead, also —side warning, any injuries sustained in the psychic state, they will show on your bodies, I can't stop that from happening." Kean mumbled draining the little hope and courage the group had but they still nodded for the angel to begin.

They all closed their eyes, a rush of power enveloping them before they were pulled into what seemed to be a void, empty—black and devoid of life. Laurie was the first to stand as she tried to look around but it was darkness for miles on end. "Laurie calm down, we're here with you." Denali tried to comfort her friend and for a moment it worked until they realized, the others weren't anywhere to be found, it was just them —in the darkness and a guttural growl. "What was that?" Denali suddenly shifted, feeling the unknown entity prowling around them. Laurie quickly grabbed her sterling and wrote runes to manifest an orb of light, once it was in her hand and it shone bright in the darkness, she regretted it then, they were surrounded by four —class five demons, demons from a past that haunted both girls. "No—this can't be happening, —no!" Laurie screamed as the demons lunged for her and all her fear surfaced, the dark trauma they induced with it. Before the two shrieking girls were consumed light flooded the void, vanquishing all four demons in an instant.

"Laurie— Denali, hey are you alright?" Necmi questioned as he knelt down next to the two girls who were now peeking through their huddled state, eyes unfocused and fearful. "What was that, what happened?" Denali demanded having broken out of her frozen stupor. "Your fears, this is the test for you two, I'm sure Mel and his bonded opening their minds to us, we opened our minds to them, meaning —." Necmi was paused when Laurie regained herself. "They can tinker and toy with our fears, drive us out." She added and Necmi nodded. "That's not encouraging." Denali mumbled as they all now stood up and looked around, the void was still as is, lifeless— only their presence in it along with Necmi's light. "This place is creepy, let's find the others." Necmi exclaimed as he led the way into the white unknown.

For Haden and Kean it was a different reality, the world was burning around them, demons had overrun the school, bodies lay scattered on the ground, angels and hunters all torn apart. "What is this?" Haden spoke clutching tightly onto his katana. "Our fear come true, the school on fire and everyone dead." Kean replied as his eyes glowed silver. "Ah—." He softly cried out as his mind was overcome with pain, another fear of his. "I can't use my telepathy —damn you Melrose." He hissed as Haden helped him up to his feet. "Is that your fear?" The hunter questioned hoping to not get an answer. "Since we're already inside each other's minds, might aswell tell you, —every child born of Gabriel has a mental power that defines who they are, mine as the next head is my telepathy and it's attributes, I don't mean to boast but I have the second strongest telepathic mind in all the history of my house, it's given me pride and has brought honour to family, but I'm terrified of this —." He explained gesturing to the burning school overrun by demons. "Failing to use my power to save not only the people I care about, but the world we were charged to protect." He concluded as Haden nodded in understanding, both of them now understood, Kean on the inside was terrified of being a failure and where they were now, it was showing just that, and Mel had cut him off from his mind unable to use his power.

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