5: easy target ☆

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The past three weeks have been pretty uneventful.

I haven't seen him much.

He comes in, leaves me food, takes me to the bathroom, and that's it. Unless you count him sneaking in here when I am asleep, he thinks I don't know he does this, and leaves early in the morning, but I wake every time that door opens.

Today was different though.

I can tell something has been bothering him lately.

And it boiled to an ugly head this morning.

My door opened, him bringing my breakfast.

Except this time, he sat and watched me.

It set my nerves on edge, making it hard to eat.

I guess it's kind of my fault what happened cause I know he hates it when I don't eat.

He sighed angrily.

"Layla eat your fucking food before I hold you down and shove it down your throat."

My eyes went wide.

"I'm sorry Ryder.. It's hard to eat when I am being watched." I mumbled.

This seemed to set him off.

"Don't fucking lie to me! It's me isn't it? You're trying to spite me?"

I quickly shook my head no.

"I swear it isn't. I just get anxious when people watch me." I tried to clarify.

But he seemed to have it stuck in his head that I was doing this only to upset him.

He came forward grabbing me by the shirt, shaking me.

"I don't know why you make me do this to you! I don't want to fucking do this!"

I tried to move away to no avail.

A hard slap landed across my face

"Don't move away from me!" He screams in my face.

"You don't know what I am capable of Layla. Consider yourself lucky."

At this I couldn't help but to be bewildered.

I'm lucky? Me?

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