36: Ryder's Week [Part Two]

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Author's Note:

I didn't like the original part two to this chapter, so I deleted it and redid it. It's a little shorter, sorry about that. But I hope you all enjoy.


Pacing the cell, nervous energy surrounds me.

Two days.

Forty eight hours.

That's it until I'm with Layla again.

It's agonizing.

It seems longer than the months I've been here.

It just keeps dragging on, seemingly getting farther away.

I've almost worn a damn hole into the floor from the amount of pacing I've done.

In circles and circles I go, taking a small break to check the clock, before starting again.

I haven't even been able to focus on working out, this is all I can do, pace.

My hands run through my hair, sighing, as I stare at the clock, silently willing it to speed up.

I'm about to turn from the clock, when the main door pops open, the female guard stepping through.

I stare curiously at her.

I haven't seen her in days.

Which has been nice for me.

Her steps are quick, coming directly towards me.

That's when I notice the look on her face.


What the fuck.

She steps into the cell, her hands trembling, as she avoids my eyes.

"What's going on?" I demand, not in the mood for her bullshit.

"I..um..I need to tell you something.. and I need to you stay calm, okay?" She pleads with me.

My eyebrows furrow, a glare taking over my features.

"Just spit it out."

She takes a deep breath, her fingers twitching, before she finally looks at me.

"It's Layla, Ryder..she tried to kill herself..we don't know what condition she is in."

My heart drops, my ears starting to ring, as I grip her throat, backing her into the wall.

"You better be lying. Tell me she's fucking okay." I seethe, as her eyes well with tears.

"I'm not lying.. I'm so sorry.. I promise I'll find out more as soon as I can."

Snarling, rage over comes me, as I toss her to the floor roughly, before my fists slam into the wall until blood bursts from my knuckles.

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