36: Ryder's Week [Part One]

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Author's Note:

This chapter was extremely long (5k words) so it's being broken down into two parts. It hasn't been edited yet, so possible mistakes will be fixed later.  I hope you guys enjoy.

And I don't celebrate this holiday, but to those that do, happy holidays. <3

Please remember to vote and comment.


Bright lights flooding my vision pull me out of a deep sleep. The sounds of rows of doors popping soon follow afterwards, signaling it's breakfast time. 

Another day starting without Layla, eating slop that even I wouldn't feed to a mutt. Each time I open my eyes, being reminded another day has started without my love, a surge of pain enters my heart.

If we were home, I'd have just woken up to her beautiful face. Her sleepy eyes peeling open, a radiant smile crossing her features when those forest green irises landed on me. 

We'd have sex. I'd appreciate every inch of her, bringing her pleasure only I can, before hopping in the shower. Once clean, she would be in front the stove, shaking her hips, humming a quiet tune, cooking for us.

If I close my eyes, and focus hard enough, it's almost as if I'm there with her again. But, the second the guard slams on the door, telling me to get up for chow, it's ripped away from me.

Chow. Like we're fucking dogs. 

They've finally allowed me to walk to the main room, grab my food, then head back into my cell. I also get twenty minutes twice a day wandering around the day room with other inmates. 

It's not much, but it's better than being in this cell twenty four seven.

Standing, I stretch my aching limbs, throwing on the hideous orange shirt, making my way to the food line. 

As soon as I exit the cell, all eyes are on me. The inmates whisper about me as if they aren't pathetic criminals themselves. I'm not a criminal. I don't steal, rob, do drugs. I only remove meaningless lives.

My case is national though. So I knew I would have to get used to prying eyes watching my every move.

Grabbing the hard plastic tray, I head back into my cell, shutting the metal door. Every time I hear that lock click into place, reminding me again and again I'm trapped for now, it lights up rage inside me. 

I don't deserve to fucking be here with these low lives.

I am not the same as them.

Slamming down the tray, I groan seeing the slop they expect us to eat. A cold, hard, brick they call a pancake, soggy slices of potato, and milk. 

The first week I was here, I starved. I couldn't allow myself to eat because I didn't know if Layla was eating. The second week, I started picking at this scrap food. The third week, I started eating it as fast as possible, trying to ingest it without tasting it. Otherwise I would gag. 

His ObsessionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon