8: denial

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After reading half of the book, Ryder finally returned.

I couldn't stop myself from taking a moment to admire him. He came in only in sweat pants. His toned, strong abs and arms on display. His hair wet, hanging on his forehead. He flips his head back, then running a hand through the brown locks making it stay back. I turn my sight up to his eyes, and can tell from the look on his face he knows I was staring at him, admiring him. Thus causing my cheeks to flame in embarrassment. I know I shouldn't be praising this man, but it isn't my fault he's attractive.

"Are you hungry?" He asks me. I sigh in relief, thankful he isn't going to bring up my staring. I don't know if I could handle the further embarrassment.

I nod my head at him, as he walks over and uncuffs my ankle, causing me to stare in confusion. He never uncuffs my ankle to eat, he always just brings my food in.

"Come." He says, then turns heading out the room.

To say I am bewildered would be an understatement. Is this a joke? A test? He didn't cuff my hands, or wait to follow me. My heart rate increases, worried he is testing me and if he is, I really don't want to fail. I gulp, slowly and cautiously standing before walking out the room.

"Ryder.." I call.

"In here." I hear him say back.

I follow the sound of his voice, eyes wide, until I end up in a kitchen. I stand near by him, frozen on the spot. I can feel my body shaking ever so slightly.

He looks up at me, then walks over, putting his hand on the small of my back he guides me to sit at the counter.

"Calm down, love. I thought we could eat together normally for once." He says, then kisses my cheek before walking back inside the kitchen.

I sit silently, not any less worried.

I can't let go of the gut feeling this is a test.

For what though, I don't know.

"I'm not the best cook, so I thought we could heat up some pizza" he says.

I nod in return, still silent.

He reaches across the counter, brushing his hand across my face, telling me to relax before I pass out.

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