Chapter 1

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As the music in the car begins to play Ryder reaches out and aggressively turns down the volume, shaking his head in annoyance while he stares forward

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As the music in the car begins to play Ryder reaches out and aggressively turns down the volume, shaking his head in annoyance while he stares forward.

"Hey," I yell in protest.

"Francesca Emilia Beckett if you play Welcome to New York one more fucking time so help me god I will..."

"You will what," I interject, narrowing my eyes at him.

I watch Adam's apple bob as he swallows. "Can you not turn me on while we sit in the car outside your grandmas house," he begs as he rubs his hands over his face.

"I still standby my statement about seeing a therapist for that."

"You also stood by the statement that the Islanders weren't going to lose in the first round of playoffs, but here we are," he says while gesturing to the fact we are here in New York. He looks tired and the stress is so evident on his face I just want to pull him into my arms and protect him.

The last 48 so hours have been absolute madness for us both. It all started Thursday night when, as my traitor boyfriend so accurately predicted, the Islanders got blown out in game 4 of the first round of playoffs. Within 30 minutes of the game ending, the team was texting Ryder that practices would begin Monday and to keep them updated when he was cleared to play. Then not even 12 hours later Ryder had a doctors appointment where he was finally medically cleared to play full contact hockey. He was of course thrilled and I was equally as excited for him until reality kicked in.

We had from then till Monday at 11am to get all our shit packed up, drive 10 hours and make it to New York for his first practice with the team. Realistically we should have started packing prior to Friday knowing that eventually we'd be going to New York but we procrastinated so we spent all of Friday and Saturday frantically getting ourselves and the ladies packed up. This morning at around 4am we left for New York and with only 2 stops managed to make it here by 4:30pm. As soon as we got here we took about an hour to unload his car and get the ladies settled in the cage my dad set up for them before rushing to my Nonna's for Sunday dinner. We probably could have used the time to properly unpack and relax before his big day tomorrow but the rule has always been if you're in New York and not in the hospital you're at the table for Sunday dinner.

"How many people will be here again," Ryder asks nervously peaking at the house behind me.

"You'll be fine babe I promise they will all love you," I reassure him not wanting to tell him that on the other side of the front door waits 20 people who will no doubt bust his balls the second they get their hands on him. My family is a rough crowd; definitely not for everyone. Us grandkids rarely bring significant others around because of that very reason. The only person who brings their significant other is my cousin Sarah and they're married with a baby. Everyone else just rolls solo, until today when I bring my poor nervous, sweet, adorable, loving boyfriend into the lion's den.

New York Summer | 509 Series Book 1.5 Where stories live. Discover now