Epilogue 8

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July 6, 2023

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July 6, 2023

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

It is quiet in our hotel room, a welcomed change from the last few days. Ryder is somewhere in the hotel being the guy he didn't think he was capable of being. I bite my lip to stop the flood of emotions before they ruin my makeup. The things he has accomplished on the ice are impressive but it is the man he is off the ice that makes me so proud I get to call him mine.

I shake my head gently to shift my focus from my mind and my heart's favorite topic, Carson Ryder, to the task actually at hand. We have to leave in 45 minutes and I still am not dressed. Well, unless it is now socially acceptable to wear your boyfriend's oversized button down shirt, then in that case I am totally really.

I finish my make up to the best of my ability, though I wish I had taken Ryder up on the offer to have someone come and do my hair and make up for me. When he originally offered, I didn't realize how much press would be involved and how much of it I would be in. I am sure my skin will be a wreck after this week with the amount of makeup I have had on but it is so worth it.

Luke entered the draft as we all expected just days after Ryder signed with the Islanders. We were both so proud of him but neither of us put much thought into it beyond that. We were going to be happy no matter where he went so we didn't fuss over the details. Well, until two weeks ago when he called us, talking a mile a minute, and telling us he had a huge blow out with his dad and he wanted us to come with him instead. Of course, it was the quickest yes either of us have ever given but then reality kicked in. Luke is a first round draft pick, expected to go really early, with tons of eyes on him. Cameras have been following him around non stop and since we have been by his side since we landed in Canada, that means cameras have been on us too. The boys are media trained and used to the attention but I definitely am not.

All that is why instead of taking 45 minutes to get ready, like it normally takes me, I have been in the bathroom for nearly 3 hours in preparation for the draft. It doesn't help me at all that I keep spacing out. My mind bounces back and forth from my concern for Luke, since his dad isn't here, to my concern for Ryder being back at the draft, bringing back painful memories of his own draft night.

I look myself over in the mirror once more trying to find any imperfection before the high def cameras from all the major sports networks find them. I fix my eyeshadow a little before drowning my face in an expensive setting spray that I ran out and bought our first day here. This one is, thankfully, cry proof. I know because I tested it last night by accident when Ryder confessed he was jealous of all the guys here with their parents getting the experience neither him or Luke will ever have.

I am just about to walk out of the bathroom to get dressed when I hear a soft knock on the bathroom door. "Mom? You in there?"

I open the door to a nervous Luke, dressed in his expensive suit. "You look amazing, Luke," I gush, instantly pulling him into a hug.

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