Epilogue 6

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April 29, 2023

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April 29, 2023

I sometimes miss my parents. Well not them per say but I guess I miss not feeling alone? Ok, I still felt alone even when they were in my life but I could pretend. Graduation weekend has been a prime example. Of course I had my friends, Francesca's family, Josh and Barb, and even Drew showed up to my chemistry graduation; but it wasn't the same. When I walked out, there was no one bossing me around to take a million pictures to show the family who couldn't attend. No mom crying because she was so proud of me. I had no one to thank for their love and support like all my friends did. I know I did the right thing but I think stupidly a small part of me thought they'd maybe show up for me this weekend.

But as much as there is a dull ache in my chest, I am choosing to focus on those around me who do care. People like Luke who bought me a Michigan dad shirt and dragged me around after the student athlete graduation demanding I take pictures at Yost in my cap and gown. Or the Becketts who screamed just as loud for me as they did for their own daughter. Barb who just randomly bursts into tears and hugs me. Josh who has reminded me a million times he is so proud I got my degree. My friends who made such a scene at the chemistry department graduation I swore they were going to get kicked out. And I could never forget the best one, Francesca has cried, screamed and told me how proud she is so many times I might develop a praise kink from it all.

"Hey tall boy, do you see them," Francesca snaps as we weave through the crowd of graduates for our final graduation.

"No, tell Stan to drop the pin again this place is fucking insane," I tell her as I look around again for all our friends. The nice thing about the university-wide ceremony is that we all get to graduate and sit together, but the shitty part is there are literally like 10,000 people here right now, making finding said friends near impossible.

"Oh, I see Bray Bray," Francesca yells before skipping off, her unzipped gown flowing behind her. I follow not too far behind, grinning from ear to ear as I watch her. The ache dulls even more as she giggles as Bray sweeps her up and spins her around.

"Ey Chen," I greet Parker who is wearing sunglasses, likely still hung over.

"Ryder, I care for you deeply but if you speak to me I will skin you alive."

I pause, taken aback by Parker's uncharacteristic threat as Bray pulls his boyfriend into his arms and covers his ears to shield him from the noise. "Don't mind him, he is just mad because I was right," Bray says smugly, not backing down as Parker breaks free and pokes him in the chest. If you didn't know them, you'd swear they hated each other as much now as they swore they did when they met. But I know they have never hated each other, not for a single second.

"Alex, your pin was useless," Fran exclaims as he walks over with Maya.

"Sorry Francesca, next time I will bring some wood and send smoke signals," Stan teases as he hugs her.

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