Chapter 11

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"I don't wanna," Francesca pouts while refusing to unlock the passenger door

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"I don't wanna," Francesca pouts while refusing to unlock the passenger door.

"Butt, you're going to be late for camp, open the door."

"No," she yells, still holding the handle.

"Francesca Emilia Beckett open this door right now or so help me god," I scold as she flips me off and I yank on the handle. Little bitch locked me out of my own car and stole my keys! I know she is exhausted from camp, lessons, and her own practice but she still has to show up.

"Well good morning Ryder," Tito greets, with Dob and Nelson at his heels. He taps on the window getting Francesca's attention and waves, "Morning little Ryder."

Tito forgot Francesca's name the other day and I refused to tell him it, the whole team did, so now he just refers to her as little Ryder. Which I don't mind because she will be a Ryder one day. Though I think I am more a Beckett than she is a Ryder, but that is semantics for another day.

"Morning Tito," she greets from locked in the car. "Thanks again for doing this today."

Last night after getting home from the rink I canceled my afternoon gym session with the guys today so I could come hang out with Francesca here. Somewhere from there someone mentioned to some other veteran players that I was coming and slowly the whole team joined on, including the coaching staff. The social media team was pretty excited, they said it will be good publicity. I am just happy I got an excuse to spend my entire day with my girlfriend without being ragged on by the guys for being whipped.

"We get to do a craft right," Dob asks with a cheeky smile.

"Of course! You can do today's craft and join us for lunch. It is pizza wednesday!"

"Damn we get a free lunch? Why haven't we been doing this all week," Nelson asks.

"We had practice 3 hours a day for the past two days," I remind him and then bang on my car window again. "Get out of the car Beck."

"They are demons!"

"Worse than hockey house?"

Francesca stops and gets a far away look. "I still flinch anytime I see a chicken," she says before shaking her head like the memory is too painful to keep thinking about.

"Chickens," the three guys next to me ask in confusion.

"Long story," I huff, shaking my head at Francesca who is still remaining locked in the car. "Beck if you don't get your ass out of the car I will text everyone and say you're too tired to go to pride Sunday and they shouldn't bother coming."

This gets her moving and out of the car in seconds. New York City Pride is something she's been looking forward to since April and she will not do anything to jeopardize it.

In all fairness I would have never texted everyone that because I know how excited she is. On top of that I am excited to see Bray and Stan, so even if I have to carry her on my back like a large human backpack, we are going.

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