Epilogue 10

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Was I always this stressed before a hockey game? I don't remember ever feeling this sick to my stomach nervous before? Do I have the flu? No way, this is just simple nerves, I must be coming down with something

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Was I always this stressed before a hockey game? I don't remember ever feeling this sick to my stomach nervous before? Do I have the flu? No way, this is just simple nerves, I must be coming down with something.

Actually no, the more I think about it the more I remember I did feel a little off yesterday too.

Plus, it is flu season.

"Beck, I am sick, I can't go to my game tonight," I announce to Francesca as she adjusts my tie for the 9th time. Maybe she is also coming down with something because I have never seen her this jittery either.

"Ry, you aren't sick," she assures while gently placing her hands on the sides of my neck. She gives me a soft look as she searches my face for any signs of sickness she may have overlooked during this week's chaos.

"No Butt, I am pretty sure I am. I bet I am contagious too. What a bad start to the season that would be if I got my whole team sick. I think the most responsible thing for me to do is stay home tonight."

I try to take off my tie but Francesca stops me, holding my hands tightly in hers. Everything stops for a second and the sick feeling vanishes while she holds me. She is my comfort and I love her more everyday because of it.

"Come sit with me for a second, babe."

I let her lead me from our closet to our bed where she lets me sit before climbing onto my lap and wrapping herself around me like a blanket. I hold her closely and take a few deep breaths to hopefully get my head on straight.

She doesn't rush me and instead of her usual rambling to fill the silence, she lets the quiet stretch between us so I can sort through my own thoughts. It isn't until I let out a deep breath and my tense shoulders relax a bit that she finally speaks again. "Do you really think you're sick, Ryder?"

I shake my head a tad bit embarrassed about my behavior. A part of me is still waiting for her to react like my parents would have. Not even a year of no contact and months of therapy can erase the damage they caused.

Of course she doesn't react like them. Instead, she presses her soft lips to my forehead and lets them linger there for a second, the same way I did to her the night she fell in love with me. I close my eyes and flashes of that night play out in my head. Her tired eyes looking up at me begging for some relief. Me desperately wishing we could switch places. Both of us curled up together in her bed for the very first time.

"No fever," she tells me, even though we both already knew that.

I still don't speak as she brushes her lips over different spots of my face giving soft kisses as she goes. "I am so proud of you, Carson Ryder. You have worked a lifetime for today and I just..."

The tables turn and now I am caring for her. I quickly pull her face into my line of sight as she takes a shaky breath. The tears are welling up already as she tries to express in words the overwhelming pride she feels, but it's ok, she doesn't need to. I know the feeling all too well because I feel the same for her. It is a small perk of two athletes falling in love I guess.

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