Chapter 20

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"Ready to go," I whisper to Ryder, as we sit at the slowly emptying dining room table and Sarah picks up a sleeping Jess from her dad's arms to cuddle the baby

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"Ready to go," I whisper to Ryder, as we sit at the slowly emptying dining room table and Sarah picks up a sleeping Jess from her dad's arms to cuddle the baby. There are just a couple of us left; us, nonna, Sarah's family, her parents, and Alex, who is avoiding going home because he accidentally sent a text meant for a girl named Morgan to his mom and he is mortified.

"No," Ryder sighs even as he gets up to bring both our dessert plates into the kitchen. I don't blame him, I am not excited for this talk either; but we can't just pretend our fight didn't happen.

"We are going to go Nonna," I tell her as I stand.

"You look exhausted my Franny, go get a good night's sleep."

"I will Nonna," I assure her as I kiss her cheek and then say goodbye to everyone else at the table. Sarah is in the living room changing Jess so I wander in there to say bye to her too, ok more to Jess but I try to pretend the awkward tension between us doesn't exist. "Night," I say softly as I notice Jess is still out cold.

"Night Fran," Sarah smiles and then opens her mouth but quickly shuts it. I awkwardly stand there for a second not sure if I should push Sarah to speak or not. I have enough going on. I am not sure I can handle her unloading our issues on me too at the moment.

"I just wanted to say that the first fight is always the hardest," Sarah rushes before focusing back on her sleeping daughter.

"How did you..."

"It was written on your face," she shrugs casually. "I didn't want to pry because I know we aren't really close and I figured you'd rather talk to my brother than me but I just wanted to say that because well yeah," she rambles. I think it is a family thing, the rambling.

"Has Alan ever lied to you," I ask, feeling the urge to confide in my oldest cousin.

"Plenty," she laughs. "Sometimes lying is just easier. When me and Alan first started dating he lied and told me he loved Italian food. Between us, he doesn't but on Sundays he eats it with a smile because he knows I love my family."

I nod though I don't think his lie is the same as Ryders but I appreciate her trying. I could walk away and end our conversation there but instead I sit next to her and speak again. "Ryder didn't tell me he got the contract for a whole month but I am not as mad as I think I should be. Am I being stupid?"

Sarah looks at me thoughtfully for a minute before shaking her head. "Nah. I don't know him all that well but the love for you is literally written on his face plain as day. If he lied I doubt it was to purposely hurt you because deep down I don't think he is capable of that. Maybe I am just projecting what I want for you and not what reality is but based on the way you are with him I don't think I am."

"You aren't," I concede. "Thank you Sarah really this means a lot," I add while wrapping my arms around her. I can't remember the last time we hugged like this or talked alone but it feels good.

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